blast and cruise suggestions


I initially said I would wait a year, but things are lined up so I can do a 3 month enhanced trt program. I am planning just an enhanced dose of my normal test cyp dose, which is currently 150mg/ wk, with 75mg injections Wednesday and Saturday.

Here's what I have on hand. Some I bought before I realized on a blast cruise I didn't need them, but I have them.

Enough test cyp for my 500-600mg/wk dose
Liquid letro
Liquid tamox
Liquid clomi
Liquid ralox
Hcg, 3x5000iu
and two bottles equipiose that wouldn't be enough for anything. I gave the other 3 away after deciding not to use it.

stats: 42yo, 5'8" 175lbs, guessing 15% bf, on 150mg/wk trt. Diet is mostly clean and I'm making tweaks to it. Was trying for 2500 calories, but when I follow it I was still losing weight. I plan to up it to 3000 calories.

I basically stole any info 3J put out in the diet and training forum, including his sample diet and reverse pyramid workout which I started today. Other than over thanksgiving and the few random times I can't talk my wife out of eating out, I eat good quality food but limit carbs somewhat. I might try adding in more good carbs to but want to stay lean while gaining.

With what I have on hand, what would you guys recommend? Ancillaries are easy to get if I need to add anything different.
I initially said I would wait a year, but things are lined up so I can do a 3 month enhanced trt program. I am planning just an enhanced dose of my normal test cyp dose, which is currently 150mg/ wk, with 75mg injections Wednesday and Saturday.

Here's what I have on hand. Some I bought before I realized on a blast cruise I didn't need them, but I have them.

Enough test cyp for my 500-600mg/wk dose
Liquid letro
Liquid tamox
Liquid clomi
Liquid ralox
Hcg, 3x5000iu
and two bottles equipiose that wouldn't be enough for anything. I gave the other 3 away after deciding not to use it.

stats: 42yo, 5'8" 175lbs, guessing 15% bf, on 150mg/wk trt. Diet is mostly clean and I'm making tweaks to it. Was trying for 2500 calories, but when I follow it I was still losing weight. I plan to up it to 3000 calories.

I basically stole any info 3J put out in the diet and training forum, including his sample diet and reverse pyramid workout which I started today. Other than over thanksgiving and the few random times I can't talk my wife out of eating out, I eat good quality food but limit carbs somewhat. I might try adding in more good carbs to but want to stay lean while gaining.

With what I have on hand, what would you guys recommend? Ancillaries are easy to get if I need to add anything different.

haha.. you didn't steal anything.. thats what its there for!!!
are you fully dialed in with your trt??
Not exactly fully dialed in. I did labs on my own recently when I wasn't feeling right. I had been experimenting with the letro to see what it might do to my existing gyno with a small dose eod and crashed my estrogen. On those blood tests, estradiol was non existent and total t was 1294. I can't exactly remember how many days after injection that was.

I knew the doc wouldn't let that fly so when it came time for blood work, I took only a 50mg injection Tuesday then went for bloods saturday morning. Nurse called and said everything is in range, doc said come back in a month to renew my 3 month test cyp prescription.

In my opinion, 100mg/wk would settle me out at 600-700ish total T which would be fine. 150 mg without manipulating the results would probably put me at a level the doc would want to lower the dose.
without having completely dialing yourself in.. i would be against doing a blast
I hate you. lol

Seriously though, what would be your reasoning? Doing a blast is going to throw everything out if whack anyway, correct? For instance, if I were dialed in with my body still producing some testosterone on it's own and supplementing with injections, then I blasted, it would shut my system down and be only injections. Is my thinking correct here? If so, it wouldn't matter if dialed in or not as it would change after finishing the blast.

That does bring my next question up. If a person blasts and cruises, does their body fully shut down, never to recover? If your body is producing at least some natural test, wouldn't it benefit to come off and pct then go back on trt?
youre on trt for a reason right?? why care about that?? you thinking about coming off?
When you are injecting, your body is producing none of its own testosterone. You are not supplementing your natural production, you are replacing it.
I knew I had low t and didn't take trt for approx 5 years. I actually took the meds for a while then got tired of messing with it and came off. My body went back to it's norm of producing in the 240's. I didn't feel great but I got by. I guess in reality I don't want to completely eliminate the ability to survive without trt just in case (zombie appocalypse) :)

But no I don't plan to come off trt. I don't need to blast right now. I do have a minimum of 4 months before dr prescribed bloods to blast then return to normal so he doesn't get suspicious. I might even have longer as in his mind I'm dialed in so he might prolong bloods, but I'm not sure aboit that.
Yea even a cruise dose would shut u down. The reason against doing a blast is because your doc visits are too close. If you blasted the cyp it wouldn't be out before your next visit. It wouldn't be worth blasting 4-6 weeks. If you had short esters then that would be a different conversation. Meantime, let the doc dial u in and u shouldn't have to pay a visit but every 6 months.
Tbone, I have 4 months. I was thinking of doing 12 weeks blast then returning to normal in time for blood work at end of 4th month. That would give me enough time to be trt normal right?
That's cutting it close. Cyp stays in you for awhile. If your dead set on it, get some test prop. I wouldn't go fucking around with a doc and trt...
3J, I was joking when I said I hate you. Every time I think about adding in a little something, you guys throw in that pesky logic and sound advice that makes me decide not to do it.

I don't really need to do it, just thought it would be good timing with the 4-5 month break between blood work and the fact it's winter so if I added any real bulk nobody would notice. And if I added fat, I could work it off in time for summer pool parties and be looking good.