Blast Log w pics- Deca Tren

Great physique, and good log, i'll definitively be following. Your cycle looks really promising.
you[re a big fucker. nice work over the years. 4.8 at 285 is retarded. lol

Anyway, I'll be watching for sure. Keep a close eye on those heavy deads right after back/bi day. Especially with a bum shoulder, you could easily aggravate it, not too mention overtrain in a few weeks.

Good luck.
Thanks for the props FWM and RJH

Yeah, I've always been a little retarded lol

RJ- That's a great point about doing Deads after back day but I felt good so I went with it. After looking at the workout in your sig I had an idea. I think I might do deadlifts on back day and alternate eo week. Then have a rest day before shoulders and legs while only squatting heavy eo week. Or maybe alternate squats with box squats week to week as I usually do box squats right after reg squats.

I definitely hear ya on the overtraining, I just want to take full advantage of recovery on the Tren. It can't last forever though.

not a bad idea, but you don't have to skip either. Just alternate. Box one week, reg squat the next, or just do heavy presses. Same with deads. From the floor one week, rack pulls the next. The main concern is not over taxing the CNS, while still going balls out heavy. And don't be afraid to take a few days off if you feel overcooked.
Awesome workout. Those are the types of workouts BBers can't even fathom. You think deadlifting 585 for a triple sucks... try that shit.

Great work Mason... I may borrow a few of these medleys for my upcoming week.
Yeah, I love these workouts. I was fortunate enough to have some excellent strength coaches that used this as part of our offseason strength and conditioning.

You should definitely give something like this a shot. It would fit in perfectly with what you're doing now. Plus its always good to switch things up and get out of the gym.

I am for sure. I train with alot of young guys at the gym who are always wanting to do crazy shit (they keep me motivated for sure) like this. I'm slowly trying to use my clout at the gym to get the owner to broaden his horizons and buy some equipment/stuff. In the meantime we've been doing alot of different stuff along with me helping them in the strength work.

If you have some time and wanna do something fun for your conditioning, try this. Awesome against your buddies one on one.

Suicide Run with a DB -
Best to use marked football field. Start at goal line. You will move the dumbbell up the field 10 yards at a time returning to goal line to do your pushups. Sprint back up the field to the DB and move it forward 10 yards. Time stops after your last round of pushups. Use 1 50lb DB. Make sure to alternate carrying arms.

1 round for time:
Take DB to 10 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 3 pushups
Take DB to 20 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 6 pushups
Take DB to 30 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 9 pushups
Take DB to 40 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 12 pushups
Take DB to 50 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 15 pushups
Take DB to 60 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 18 pushups
Take DB to 70 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 21 pushups
Take DB to 80 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 24 pushups
Take DB to 90 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 27 pushups
Take DB to 100 yard line. Sprint back to goal line. Do 30 pushups
Hey bro, cycle looks solid. Curious about your shoulder injury. I too, use Deca in my cycles for the joint support from a previous shoulder injury. I have found a few other supplements that have really helped move the healing process along. I use Skeletal Balm pre-WO and take Forged Joint Support ED (both from Need2buildmuscle), they have helped tremendously with joint issues and my shoulder problem. I have also recently added peptides into my cycle (Ipamorelin/Mod GRF 1-29), and they have started helping after a couple weeks of administration. Curious if you've ever used GH or peptides. They can definitely help with recovery times.
That looks brutal! I remember what it was like running those things without dumbells or pushups, I can't imagine how painful this will be.

That's cool your gym might get some new equipment. A good quality log imo is the best investment. A lot of other stuff can be made cheaply or found for free. Like tires, you can usually get them at places that service heavy equipment. I need to get a bigger one!
Sandbags can be made easily and are great to work with.
One of my favorites is a 4ft x12" propane tank that I put some water in. When you work with it the water moves in different directions throwing the center of gravity all over the place.

My wife loves good quality LOG!!
I know you're proud of your wifes skills, just try not to turn this into a "Chip Wadowski Cockfest" type of thread