Blood pressure - how high is too high when "on"

J steel

New member
I was at my parents house yesterday, they have one of those electronic blood pressure monitors.......I figured I would check mine out.

Bros, I forget the numbers, but it was something like 153/83! That is way too high!! Now granted, I had just eaten a huge meal, plus been walkin around etc, worked all day.......but still, thats scared the shit out of me.

I mean, I'm only on 500mg test (along with 500mg EQ, and 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED). Plus I'm taking Ldex ED to keep bloat down -- its virtually non-existent. I'm not holding much water at all.

I've always had very good blood pressure. Now I dont know if I trust this device........I could hardly fit the cuff on my arm. My brother-in-law also has big arms and had a very high reading (and he doesnt juice).

So I'm sceptical as to the results.........but what Im more interested in is what BP is tolerable while "on". We all know Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will increase BP, but how high is too high??
BTW, the good thing was that my pulse was consistently 53bpm. Ive always had a slow pulse, sometimes its in the 40's. Doc said that is normal in athletic men.

But at least even while "on", my pulse rate has quickened much.
Probably the cuff was too small. Check the box or paper work that came with the unit. Most normal adult cuff sizes are for arms up to aprox 13-14 inches. You probabaly needed a large adult size. So before freaking out go to a drug store and make sure you get a unit with a large enough cuff for your arms. Do not use the BP machine that they might have out for everyone to use--they are usually not accurate either.
High normal is usually considered 140/90 mm Hg

Hope this helps.
That was I was figuring fellas, thanks for the confirmation. My bro-in-law told me the same thing, he said he's seen larger cuff sizes. I will get that and try again before I make any conclusions.
yep...the cuff is to small...they had to use the bigger cuff on mne and the reading, although was high, was below the first one....

Test 500 Deca 400 Dbol 30 = BP 180/144 standing heart rate 100

same cycle but NO dbol = BP 130/100 standing heart rate 80

Dbol jacked my BP high, and I was using Arimidex to cut down on the bloat. Can't use Dbol again.