Blood testing question


New member
Im going to be starting my first cycle on july 1st its a while away but im going to get some blood work done. I have to call my Dr so they can get me a prescription to get that done at some lab so my insurance will cover it...

but the question is do i have to specifically ask to have my liver values/testosterone level/hdl/ldl checked or is all that stuff commonly checked for when you get "blood work" done?
You will have to tell your doc what you want tested. He might wonder why or say that its not necessary, but you will have to insist thats what you want tested.

The bad thing about going to a doc to get tested is that when you come back in the middle of your cycle or at the end of post cycle therapy (pct), your blood might come back screwed up BIG TIME. If that is the case, you don't want the doc writing in your file that your health is poor. It can screw with your insurance too.

Plus if you have the doc look at your hormone levels and they are way different the next time you go it may cross the mind of the doc that you are on steroids. Then you might have that suspicion of steroids usage in your file to.

If you can, go to an independent clinic where they won't release your info. If you don't have an independent clinic where you can get tested at, by all means DO go to your regular doc. You need to play it safe.
you need to ask for a full blood test including hg & test levels. if your cool with your doc go to him. if not follow the other advice. as for me my doc assisted me in my quest for hrt and well help with recovery and advice. so i dont have that prob.

good luck!
Your doc, unless he is enlightened, will not order all of the required tests for steroid athletes.
thanks guys i think im going to have to goto an independent lab b/c my dad is setting up the blood work apt.

Anyone know how much a blood work test costs? at an independent lab ?

will insurance cover it and how many a year?
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Well you might start Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and already have a problem that you don't know about. Then a disaster could happen somewhere in your body.

But you will use the first blood test as a reference and compare to the future blood tests you take in the middle of your cycle and after your cycle to see if you have recovered.

That way you will know what YOUR normal levels are so you can compare.