blood tests and gyno


New member
Just been to my doctors now complaining about my gyno. i first saw the trearge nurse, whos husband had it and was very understanding and such like. unfortunatly, the doctor wasnt, and the NHS dosnt do anything really for gyno related problems inregards to breast surgerery. However, im on bupa, which changed things, so hopefully, if the insurance will pay, i can have it done that way.
what im asking is, ive got to go an have blood tests, basically to see if there is a hormone inbalance. well yes, there will be as im on 250mg of test enanthate eod. im going to stop the test, and hit the tamox and clomid to recover that way, but will anything show up in a blood test? i know their not testing for steroids, however, i would presumably have an elivated test level, un-naturally of course.
what is the best route? i dont want to continue, only to be told, were not going to do anything because your on steroids. so should i stop the test, bang the pct, and wait 2 weeks before having the test, or would it still show iregularitys?
regards, Jason.

oh, by the way, they are testing for the following in my blood:
full blood count
liver function profile
testosterone [male]
Just been to my doctors now complaining about my gyno. i first saw the trearge nurse, whos husband had it and was very understanding and such like. unfortunatly, the doctor wasnt, and the NHS dosnt do anything really for gyno related problems inregards to breast surgerery. However, im on bupa, which changed things, so hopefully, if the insurance will pay, i can have it done that way.
what im asking is, ive got to go an have blood tests, basically to see if there is a hormone inbalance. well yes, there will be as im on 250mg of test enanthate eod. im going to stop the test, and hit the tamox and clomid to recover that way, but will anything show up in a blood test? i know their not testing for steroids, however, i would presumably have an elivated test level, un-naturally of course.
what is the best route? i dont want to continue, only to be told, were not going to do anything because your on steroids. so should i stop the test, bang the pct, and wait 2 weeks before having the test, or would it still show iregularitys?
regards, Jason.

oh, by the way, they are testing for the following in my blood:
full blood count
liver function profile
testosterone [male]

I did the math real quick and if you are shooting T.E. 250 EOD (I assumed M/W/F for ease of the calculation) and you have been on this cycle for 6-8 weeks, You are going to need to put off your blood test for the better part of 3 full weeks after your last shot of Test E. for your levels to return to a normal.

Based on the conversions, the normal range of exogenous test for guys is between 2 mg - 10 mg in the blood on any given day. That translates to 400 - 1200 ng/dl for most men. That is what a Doc would say is normal. So, based on the half-life of Test E. you are going to be hitting levels over 100 mg in the blood regularly after 6-8 weeks on cycle. That is 10 times the normal level. If they draw blood on you, your total test may come back as high as 12,000 ng/dl.

That just might raise a red flag, you think?

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After 5 full weeks without test shots my bloodwork still showed high signs of test, now this was prescribed by my doc so no worries but,
I was given a 500mg shot
natural test level of 180
after the five weeks I tested mid 600's still.

Just saying 3 weeks might not be enough. We are all differnt.

At least they did not make you get a mamogram, been there done that. They did this before they even tested me for low T
dumbass Dr.
thanks for the replys. Ive only pinned in 9ml, just started a cycle and pre-existing gyno came back even with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) running with, so i thought enough was enough and would see what the doctor would say. trouble is, living in Englad, the NHS wont do much unless its a cancer or tuma as they class it as cosmetic, and concidering the state of the NHS atm, this is very low on their list, even if i had crontic depression or suicidal tendencys, i still doubt they would do it. was worth a try though!
ima going to leave it a couple of weeks i think, and not take any anti-e's as i suppose this would defy the point of the blood test. im not to botherd about loosing gains, as like i stated before, ive only put in around 9ml, so i doubt ive gained much. im going to start taking trib terralis [natural test] to at least do something to my hormones as i could blag and say ive used them if it comes back a high test count.

so you recon the best course of action is to leave it a few weeks without any nolvadex etc then have the test? think ill run tren ace/masteron/test prop 100mg p/m 3xweek/primo and arimidex .5mg pd after ive had the test.

Hopefully the masteron will be a good enough Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to surpress any unwanted estrogen circulating, if not, the adex should put a dampner on it aswell... dam my overly responsive glands!