Blood work-Any advice would be appreciated!!!


New member
Hey Guys, New here. 36 year old male recently got some blood work done. Need some advice on LH Hormone.
Testosterone total-432
Free Testosterone-15.4
LH is high-11.0 (1.7-8.6)
Still waiting on my Estradiol to come back!!!

I have absolutely very little body hair which seems odd to me. I contacted a TRTcinic for these bloods to see where my labs stand. Seeing that my testosterone levels are in range but my LH is high does anyone know what they would do for this? We are done having children so my sperm does not matter to me.
Hey Guys, New here. 36 year old male recently got some blood work done. Need some advice on LH Hormone.
Testosterone total-432
Free Testosterone-15.4
LH is high-11.0 (1.7-8.6)
Still waiting on my Estradiol to come back!!!

I have absolutely very little body hair which seems odd to me. I contacted a TRTcinic for these bloods to see where my labs stand. Seeing that my testosterone levels are in range but my LH is high does anyone know what they would do for this? We are done having children so my sperm does not matter to me.
im guessing this is from a 300-1100 range testosterone test??

are you taking any meds? would have loved to see your fsh..

you have an overactive lh, if your test levels were absolutely in the gutter id say you have primary hypogonadism given your pituitary is obviously releasing more than enough LH.
Testicles are damaged, you're primary hypogonadism. Pituitary gland is sending absurd amounts of LH in the hopes that testes will start producing testosterone but they are unable to produce enough test. Clomid or HCG will not work, test will continue to decline and TRT is your only hope.
We need reference ranges for all labs and you need more blood work run. But you may need to see a urologist to check out your testicles. Well also need to know your medical and health history.
Hey guys, I haven***8217;t t been working out much lately. I have no ambition at all. I am a stay at home dad and just have been getting lazier and lazier. I eat awful, I take 150mg of Zoloft, Multivitamin and 4,000iu of Vitamin D. They did not check my FSH, not sure why thy didn***8217;t.
I will upload my labs soon!!!
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Hey guys, I haven***8217;t been working out much lately. I have no ambition at all. I am a stay at home dad and just have been getting lazier and lazier. I eat awful, I take 150mg of Zoloft, Multivitamin and 4,000iu of Vitamin D. They did not check my FSH, not sure why thy didn***8217;t.
I will upload my labs soon!!!

SSRIs can mess up your hormones. Are you taking it for depression? When did you start?
I take it for anxiety and depression. I was on Paxil for 10+ years and then had to switch to Zoloft because Paxil wasn***8217;t helping me anymore. So definitely 15 years or so. Tried to do without SSRIs but could not function.
This is in the easy to say, not easy to do category - but you need to start working out, eating right, and ditch the zoloft.

I'm guessing with what you listed your sex life is probably also dead, you've got plenty of reasons to fix this!
I tried many times to ditch the Zoloft and was unable to. The funny thing is when I was eating right and working out for years straight my testosterone was actually Lower then it is now. That***8217;s what makes this even more confusing.
3 years ago it was

418ng/dL (348-1197)ng/dL
12.0pg/mL (8.7-25.1)pg/mL
Didn***8217;t have other hormones tested at that time.
This is anecdotal, but a lot of guys who go on TRT see their anxiety goes away. Hormones being out of whack can really mess you up. You need your testosterone and estradiol to be dialed in. There is no guarantee but you may be able to get off the SSRI.
I never had anxiety before I became low T, once I started TRT the anxiety melted away. Perhaps your anxiety cause was low T, the low E2 levels is a doubly wammy for psychological issues and maybe when you get dialed in to your protocol you can finely ditch Zoloft.
Get off the anti depressant. As stated above, once you are on TRT you will probably feel better and not miss your happy pill. Personally, I think too many people use it as a crutch for the rest of their lives. There are many other ways to deal with your depression and anxiety besides taking a pill. Sorry if that is harsh, but you have been on that crap for way too long.
I tried many times to ditch the Zoloft and was unable to. The funny thing is when I was eating right and working out for years straight my testosterone was actually Lower then it is now. That***8217;s what makes this even more confusing.
3 years ago it was

418ng/dL (348-1197)ng/dL
12.0pg/mL (8.7-25.1)pg/mL
Didn***8217;t have other hormones tested at that time.
why where you unable to ditch zoloft? shits designed to keep you hooked and adicted for life, get free of that poison and i guarantee youll feel a whole lot better, it wont be easy but try man and dont give up, good luck brother!
Got some of my second labs
Total Testosterone-388ng/dL
Free Testosterone-still waiting on
LH-7.1 mIU/mL (1.7-8.6) went down from 11.0
FSH-6.8 mIU/mL (1.5-12.4)

Any thoughts on these?
You're a little low for your age. Getting off any meds you can live without will likely raise it some. Diet, exercise, and lose the drugs......then retest in 3 months. If still low and also feeling shitty then consider trt. Just my opinion bro
Best of luck to ya my friend. Take care

Edit: forgive me if you've already said this somewhere in the thread but what is your current height and weight?
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Got some of my second labs
Total Testosterone-388ng/dL
Free Testosterone-still waiting on
LH-7.1 mIU/mL (1.7-8.6) went down from 11.0
FSH-6.8 mIU/mL (1.5-12.4)

Any thoughts on these?

Primary Hypogonadism. See a urologist and get your testicles examined. Might want to get an MRI of your pituitary as well just to rule things out. It looks like TRT may be in your near future if they can't identify and correct the issue