Hey guys! not sure if I should be posting this in this section or a different section (I apologize if this is the wrong one) quick run down,27y old, I have ran several cycles up to now. However, now I don't like to "b.l.a.s.t." cycles anymore I like doing 200-250mg a week type cycles; personal preference. I like it. I always run arimidex on cycle, usually 1MG a week broken down into either .5 2x or .25 EOD. I have recently been running a new company for the past 6 weeks at 200mg Test Cyp a week with 1mg Arimidex a week. I recently got bloodwork done and will post results below. I'm looking for some help/input/knowledge or anything from you guys about my results. I have a lot of pages of results but will only be posting what I think you guys need to see...if you need to see any other ones feel free to ask. Thank you ! Also anyone with knowledge on DHT & MBP...is my DHT levels in that category of "too much DHT you gunna lose your hair" lol
CK Total: 1,129 (High)
Iron: 193 (High)
Estradiol: <5.00 (Low)
DHT: 90 (High)
Testosterone, Total & Free: 1,020 (High)
Free Testosterone Index: 163.13 (High)
Estrogens, Total: 133 (High)
Prolactin: 10.75 (In range)
Progesterone: 0.43 (In range)
HDL Cholesterol: 38 (Low)
LDL Cholesterol: 108 (In range)
TSH: 2.39 (In range)
T4 Total: 6.4 (In range)
T4 Free: 1.29 (In range)
T3 Free: 3.34 (In range)
DHEA, Serum: 209 (In range)
CK Total: 1,129 (High)
Iron: 193 (High)
Estradiol: <5.00 (Low)
DHT: 90 (High)
Testosterone, Total & Free: 1,020 (High)
Free Testosterone Index: 163.13 (High)
Estrogens, Total: 133 (High)
Prolactin: 10.75 (In range)
Progesterone: 0.43 (In range)
HDL Cholesterol: 38 (Low)
LDL Cholesterol: 108 (In range)
TSH: 2.39 (In range)
T4 Total: 6.4 (In range)
T4 Free: 1.29 (In range)
T3 Free: 3.34 (In range)
DHEA, Serum: 209 (In range)