bloods looking bad, help!


New member
this is my second cycle

1-12 testosterone propionate 300mg week
1-12 primobolan 400 mg week
arimidex 0,5 EOD
im using hcg too and i have nolva and clom ready for pct.

im actually at mid cycle (5th week) and i had bloods 2 days ago. the result is terrifing. i have 2.2 testosterone and 8 endogenous test its DAMN LOW. i think the test p is fake 100% but i dont know why is testosterone so "natty" test was 7. it was good! and my first cycle went good! my test was at 25 and my endogenous 150... help me plz...i have no strenght increase and im not looking improved in muscles. what should i do?
what dosage and frequency are you injecting the test p? are you doing it all in one shot?
your test level is low becuse there is something in Primo or "test Prop" and its blocked your HPTA, im only wonder what you have in "primo" or "prop" while cheapest and most easy to made is prop