Bloodtest results - Abnormal AST (SGOT) and Vitamin D


New member
Some background. First and only cycle test only 500/mg for 10 weeks ending around Nov'11. Several months later experience a delayed estrogen rebound causing gyno. Took Letro for 60 days at 1mg per day then tappered off and took Clomid for 2 weeks to follow (100mg per day first week 50mg per day second week). About three weeks after finishing the Clomid I went in for bloodwork.

Two abnormalities came out my bloodwork:

AST (SGOT) - Came in high at 54 U/L
Vitamin D - Came in low at 22 ng/mL

I did some research, it appears that Letro has been linked to increased AST (SGOT) and decreased Vitamin D levels in your body.

Could I just be experiencing some residual affects of the letro? Anything too concerning here?

My doctor just recommended I supplement vitamin D and be kind to my liver (he doesn't believe liver supplements work). He thinks everything will work itself out but that I should go in for another blood test in a couple of months just in case.

What's your age? Two factors aside from test will dramatically lower Vit D, limited exposure to sunlight and age. Actually, if you are dark skinned or come from a dark skinned heritage it will also contribute to lower Vit D. Increased liver enzymes are a well known side of test. I have found that Liv 52 is the real deal when it comes to keeping them in check. Forget the milk thistle and other bullshit that don't work, Liv 52 works and works well.
What's your age? Two factors aside from test will dramatically lower Vit D, limited exposure to sunlight and age. Actually, if you are dark skinned or come from a dark skinned heritage it will also contribute to lower Vit D. Increased liver enzymes are a well known side of test. I have found that Liv 52 is the real deal when it comes to keeping them in check. Forget the milk thistle and other bullshit that don't work, Liv 52 works and works well.

I am 27 years old and a typical white dude not too dark or light skinned I see a normal amount of sunlight too. I've read letro increases AST liver enzyme and decreases vitamin D. I really doubt test is the reason for the increased liver enzymes since I got the blood work done nearly 6 months after I discontinued used of test. I think its due to being on letro for 60 days (ended about a month ago).
I thought waiting few weeks after letro was enough.. but I am assuming its just some residual affects from the letro and it will just clear up. My libdo didn't return to normal until recently so I was clearly still experiencing some lingering side effects from the letro.

Ok Ill give liv-52 a shot.

Any other suggestions?
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