Bloodwork on my cycle Testp tren a en mast p

But I never went off cycle.... did 6 month bridge then same cycle as i m on now back to 2 months of bridge and then this cycle...
If its false reading I dont want to kill my existing estrogen with 25mg aro ed ...

I think it is a false reading which Trenbolone is well known to do.

If you really want to be safe, you need to go back to the Testosterone dosage that you know for certain doesn't require the use of an AI -- based on your previous cycle experience. If you don't know what that is you are not ready to run Tren and you should drop it. You need to go through the learning process before you can run Trenbolone.
I think it is a false reading which Trenbolone is well known to do.

If you really want to be safe, you need to go back to the Testosterone dosage that you know for certain doesn't require the use of an AI -- based on your previous cycle experience. If you don't know what that is you are not ready to run Tren and you should drop it. You need to go through the learning process before you can run Trenbolone.

I called the lab and they use clia methode not ECLIA

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Seems to be the same...
So false reading?
Still I had no libido and high e2 symptoms like all day tired.
No libido and fat- water retention
I can't it's a mix

I did the bloodwork after only 2 x 75mg tren a could that influence the bloodwork already?
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