bloodwork results e2 high?


New member
hello, i got my labs back and have the following values tested

EST2A ng/l 11-35 36
EST2 pmol/l 40-130 133
PROLA ug/l <16 18
PROL mU/l <340 370
TESTO ug/l 3.0-10.0 11.63
TSH mU/l 0.35 - 4.50 4.14

i already take small doses of prami because of one half tablet my face got white and blood pressure was going to low but whithout it its to high.
And i take small doses aromasin but i have anxiety that i crash my e2.

is my e2 wide above border so i have to concern not to take to much.
can it be that e2 is to high.

i never took any steroids only 1 week human growth hormone - somatropin - which rised up my prolactin and then got hypagonadism.
had to take then clomid to bring my nuts back. i feel much better now but not 100%.

thanks for your help
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Can you remove the abbreviations? I don't know what Est2a and Est2 are for example.

Were you on clomid or any thing else when you had the blood work run? If not, how long had it been since you stopped taking clomid?

HGH raised your prolactin in one week? How do you know this occurred? How many iu's did you take in one week's time?

How do you know you were hypogonadal after this? What was your TT, LH, FSH and E2 at?

Have you ever used prohormones?
i dont know what these abbreviations mean thought it were estrogen/estradiol maybe my doc joked me.
1 week before bloodwork i stopped taking it.
i took 2 ius daily. i had brainfog, cant concentrate, swollen legs, vision problems, shrunken nuts, no libido, tren dick (caused by prolactin)
i felt it. my boys had no connection to hypothalamus, most time they stuck higher than normal. (from what i read i had the same symptoms like trendick).
i dont know what my levels were then. to dumb to made blood work.

i used ipamorelin too but that had no sides because it dont messes cortisol.
but that hgh and ipamorelin use was about 2 years ago.

Ehm i feel day to day my hair looks thicker again and my nails looking whiter and not transparent and thin.
maybe the small doses of aromasin getting e2 lower and t3 is going up again?
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i dont know what these abbreviations mean thought it were estrogen/estradiol maybe my doc joked me.
1 week before bloodwork i stopped taking it.
i took 2 ius daily. i had brainfog, cant concentrate, swollen legs, vision problems, shrunken nuts, no libido, tren dick (caused by prolactin)
i felt it. my boys had no connection to hypothalamus, most time they stuck higher than normal. (from what i read i had the same symptoms like trendick).
i dont know what my levels were then. to dumb to made blood work.

i used ipamorelin too but that had no sides because it dont messes cortisol.
but that hgh and ipamorelin use was about 2 years ago.

Ehm i feel day to day my hair looks thicker again and my nails looking whiter and not transparent and thin.
maybe the small doses of aromasin getting e2 lower and t3 is going up again?

This is all over the place and hard to understand. Maybe try posting in your native language and hopefully someone here speaks it. Although I suspect you may not write well in your native language either. :-)
From Germany is my English that bad?
I only wanted to know if my estrogen is culprit for feeling like low test levels even opposite is case.
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