Bloodwork Results Week 4 of Test E


New member
Hey Guys

Actually not bloodwork, i tested it by saliva sample, which is free Testosterone

Normal Range: 41,0 - 143,0 pg/ml
My value: 854,5 pg/ml

Iam on 2x 300mg/ml Test E a Week, what do you guys think?

What did Total Testosterone and Extra come in at? How about HCT?

You cant test Total T with Saliva. Free Test is anyway only what matters.

Rest will be done by the doc, but i just had bloodwork done 2 weeks ago, so cant just run back after few days. I will wait another 2 weeks and get the rest checked.
You cant test Total T with Saliva. Free Test is anyway only what matters.

Rest will be done by the doc, but i just had bloodwork done 2 weeks ago, so cant just run back after few days. I will wait another 2 weeks and get the rest checked.

Why is Free T the only thing that matters?