Bloodwork... Should I up my Arimidex?


New member
Last time around I did 500mg Test E for 16 weeks and Arimidex 0.5mg EOD.

My labs were...

Test 4280 ng/dl
Est 112 pmol/

I was trying to do a cut... but i found it hard to drop weight... I know the test is a great reading... but is the E too high? should I up my AI?
If it was using the sensitive assay, it is about perfect. If it was using the regular assay it may be too low or perfect. Regular assay is typically overstated 10-20 points in pg ml

This is assuming it is estraiol and not estrogen.
If it was using the sensitive assay, it is about perfect. If it was using the regular assay it may be too low or perfect. Regular assay is typically overstated 10-20 points in pg ml

This is assuming it is estraiol and not estrogen.

@Megatron.. thanks.

I found it really hard to drop weight on this cycle... I have a weight class i need to make... next time around... should i up the AI?