Bodybuilders Are Made On The Playground


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Bodybuilders are not made in power gyms and fitness centres. The psychological make-up of many bodybuilders is formed at an early age, in the school playground, psychologists at Warwick Medical School in England discovered.

The psychological tests and statistical analysis that they did showed that insatiable desire for more muscle bulk is the result of bullying. According to the psychologists, not all but many bodybuilders suffer from a syndrome referred to in the textbooks as muscle dysmorphia: they may look physically impressive, but nevertheless have the feeling that they are not big enough or that they are too fat.

They look better than 99 percent of their age mates, but they are still ashamed of their body. It’s perhaps therefore not surprising that studies find a relationship between muscle dysmorphia on the one hand and steroid use, health complaints and heavy training programmes on the other.

The psychologists at Warwick looked for a relationship between bullying and muscle dysmorphia. In the book Little Big Men by the anthropologist Alan Klein, bodybuilders recount how they were bullied as a child and how they started weight training to overcome their feelings of inferiority. The psychologists asked one hundred male bodybuilders to complete a questionnaire on bullying and used specific lists to determine whether they suffered from muscle dysmorphia or other psychological disorders as a result of being bullied. This is referred to as global psychopathology in the graph below, which summarises the psychologists’ findings. The disorders include depression, compulsive obsession and anxiety.

About twenty percent of the bodybuilders in the study had been a victim of bullying as a child. Among these bodybuilders, a high degree of obsession with muscularity resulted in global psychopathology. Among the bodybuilders that had not been bullied the relationship was weaker.

An unhealthy obsession with muscularity is by no means widespread among bodybuilders, the psychologists conclude. Most bodybuilders train hard, but this does not disrupt their life.

"Our findings show that many bodybuilders achieving the same physique do not show disordered body perception", the psychologists write in their conclusion.​
Not surprising, at all. It's just another extension of addiction disorders. Many behaviors some people become addicted to are enjoyed in moderation and without negative consequences by others. Body building and steroid use can evolve into abuse and addiction just like anything else that people do or use to feel good. Instead of being a life affirming behavior and an enhancement to well-being it becomes a destructive force characterized by obsession and compulsion. The very definition of addiction is continuing a behavior or habit in spite of the negative consequence for doing so. Body builders who experience problems in their major life areas as the result of their choices -- family, work, legal, social life, finances, spirituality -- but continue to make those choices, anyways, are in very dangerous territory.
I was bullied a lot and would have hit the gear early on but, fortunately had an older brother who kept me from messing up and got me hooked up with a good trainer and dietitian.

Still I can relate. I doubt I will ever look in the mirror and be satisfied.
Interesting post Blondie,
I was chased by Bullies when I was riding my bicycle to school at age 8, and I peddled so fast, everyday I thought the Bullies were going to chase me again so I made it a habit to peddle super fast and my Quads got developed, I also went to see Rocky with my dad around that time, and I saw the look on my Dad's eyes when He saw Rocky go against Mr T, Rocky looked so ripped and of course a great White Hope winning, he was so impressed, and that really made me want to change my body ..I think I was inspired since that age, I saw myself as I could be stronger than the other kids my age, I would lift with my mom's dining room chairs, and began to see changes in my body..

I think like with any addiction, if you don't have self control and exercising or bodybuilding becomes excessive it can lead to an unbalanced life.

I love to work out, I think I can always improve my body, but I realize you have to have a good self image, some gym addicts become so all-consumed with working out that they are barely able to function in other areas of their lives.
I am lucky my wife enjoys working out as much as me. My life is pretty balanced.
I got into it at age 4-5 watching Lou Ferrigno on The Incredible Hulk. I asked my dad how he got big muscles and he said lifting weights. So I proceeded to go around the house and try to pick up every piece of furniture etc. As far as the playground bullying, that's when I decided to become a fighter, and then I hunted bullies and loved it.
i went through my fair share of bullying. but then again i think every kid does.

im not really sure why i started to love weight lifting. i was real weak at first.. i remember i couldnt even bench 95 lbs. then i just stuck to it and started seeing results and so did kids in my high school. i got compliments often and loved it. i think that's what got the ball rolling
i went through my fair share of bullying. but then again i think every kid does.

im not really sure why i started to love weight lifting. i was real weak at first.. i remember i couldnt even bench 95 lbs. then i just stuck to it and started seeing results and so did kids in my high school. i got compliments often and loved it. i think that's what got the ball rolling

I think at some point or another every kid might get teased or "mad fun of". But there is a difference between those two and being bullied.
I think at some point or another every kid might get teased or "mad fun of". But there is a difference between those two and being bullied.

5 concussions, 1 skull fracture, 22 compound fractures in my right scapula, damage to my ACL, and Achilles tendon, fractured meniscus, shattered tibula, 3 cracks in my hips, 4 broken ribs, 3 herniated discs, two compressed vertebrae, and both humerous's broken during the first 18 years of my life.

I believe that is what blondie had in mind when she says bullying.
I think at some point or another every kid might get teased or "mad fun of". But there is a difference between those two and being bullied.

Yeah, that is true. I was never "bullied" so to speak. Made fun of through middle school since that's when I started packing on weight. I was a short chunky kid. If I recall, I think I was like 5'0" 160-170 lbs! ahhh, the good ol' days
5 concussions, 1 skull fracture, 22 compound fractures in my right scapula, damage to my ACL, and Achilles tendon, fractured meniscus, shattered tibula, 3 cracks in my hips, 4 broken ribs, 3 herniated discs, two compressed vertebrae, and both humerous's broken during the first 18 years of my life.

what was the girl's name that used to pick on you?
lol, is there anyone who bodybuilds just becuase they like the way it looks? For me I like the attention of having a nice body.. I guess it avoids alot of fights as well, when I was small I wasnt really bullied but got into a ton of fights, im not huge by any means but now people arent so quick to start problems with me becuase of my size.... Funny thing is the bigger you get the LESS likely you are to win a fight lol.. When I used to box having big arms and other bodyparts was a BAD thing. Slows the speed and force of your punches down, also the bigger you get the quicker you tire.
I was on the other side of things, doing the bullying, but I was a cubby kid and was called fat. I would just beat the crap out of them though or steal something from whoever.

I was one bad mofo.......
I was on the other side of things, doing the bullying, but I was a cubby kid and was called fat. I would just beat the crap out of them though or steal something from whoever.

I was one bad mofo.......

I don't think the group of kids who picked on me were Bad Mofo's. I don't think teens and pre-teens can qualify as bad mofo's.