ive been on premix creatines for a while like cell-tech and phospagen HP. i finally got a basic 100% pure creatine monohydrate mad by bodytech. have any of u guys tried this stuff. if so, how were the results??
PROLAB is cheap and it works!!!! PROLAB is cheap and it works.
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Hehe...never tried Bodytech. I've wasyed my $$$ on Cell Tech and NitroTech, both did nothing! But made me bloat, PROLAB/Creapure Creatine works. Its not gear but it works.
bodytech is vitamin shoppe brand i told you that had good prices... their shit works like everything else.. i use their whey powder, glutamine pills, and multivitamin..so i think they are good.. plus creatine is creatine... so the cheapest powder is going to be as good as the most expensive....
thankyou for answering the question gottabadrash. and you were with out a doubt correct on the cheapness of the vitamin shoppe brand creatine. im just not sure on weather i should buy dextrose for the creatine mono.
creatine monohydrate = creatine monohydrate, for the most part... German-made CreaPure has the fewest impurities, while the chinese creatine is flooding the market, it has more impurities... but not a lot
true, but its just creatine its not like coparing fake gear to human grade shit ya know... creatine is good for some water weight and and extra little boost into your muscles.. but cycle it i did it for a year on for 6 weeks off for 3 and it worked better than when i took it striaght for months on end.. then again that could be all mental
yea thats basically what i do except i do it for 8 weeks and off 4. but in my experiences creatine did more for me then just add boost and water to my muscles. everytime im done with a cycle, i keep a little more and more everytime.
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