Bolus dose, or oral kickstart?


So I'm starting a Sustanon, and Tren Ace stack with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on Dec 16. I Can only be on for about 10 weeks because of a trip, so I want to kickstart my cycle. I don't know if I should use a bolus dose of sust, anadrol (old school, I know), or a more refined oral like dianabol or turinabol.

If I were to use the front loading technique, would it be wise to take a bolus dose of sustain, or to use a shorter ester like prop?

A lot of people think that front loading test, or doing a bolus dose is a waste of precious sauce, because even though you're filling your body up with test, you still need time to saturate your ole receptors. My other worry is that that huge spike in test will stimulate my aromatase enzymes, and I'll have high estrogen levels.. I don't want gyno..

Along with the the fact that it will give me some serious size, the fact that anadrol is a dihydrotestosterone derivative, so it doesn't aromatize (however I have been told that if used with a test it can stimulate gyno symptoms? is there any science behind that?).

My next option is dbol, but like anadrol, I'm told there is a substantial amount of bloat, and I really would rather avoid any unnecessary water weight (I want to be shredded for my trip).

Turinabol I'm told is essentially bloat free, but does it give any substantial gains?

Thanks for your input, sorry for all of the questions, I usually steer clear of orals, so I don't know too much about them.
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