8 percent....that s lean son. I take it your both genetically gifted and or strict in terms of diet lol. When you get to 8,7,.....6...
it s gets EXPONENTIALLY harder to maintain. I think when I peaked winning a regional bbdng show I was 8.sumpin; I KNOW this as my University had an immersion tank and I was in w the fball team I was miserable as back then we did not have ALL theknowledge you guy s had....
Anyone reading this ever take Shak lee products??? Like eating fkn chalk. I bet I ruined 4 blenders in as many years trying to get that stuff into solution...and they had these power bars that broke teeth; they were SO hard to digest I sometimes thought I was suffering from GI ailments. But once you break 9 it s as low as you want to go; I remember going into a frorensics mid term with a strong B...and carb depletion made me so thick and foggy I made a 58 on the mid term lol
Gotta have SOME carbs to form a rational thought.....