bound and determined

icy revenge

New member
Hey y'all
I've been trying to do this intelligently but have encountered some confusions. In a lot of the threads I've read I see people getting berated for wanting to do Winstrol (winny) only and seeing why I have come to agree. My thing now is that I'm going to be doing a Winstrol (winny) test prop combo and am not exactly sure how to go about it. I'm going to use the test only because I hear it combats some of the adverse side effects of Winstrol (winny) only. I need to know the minimal amount of test I can take just to get these combative effects as I'm not looking to bulk too much at a little addition in size is ok but not even necessary. I wanted to use prop because of the little water retention but I hear using test c is better to do less jabs( I was hoping to use oral test too but I hear it won't work) If test c is a recommendation than please just tell me what to purchase for retention alleviation. I know I'll need to take something for joints and liver and I've gotten confused on what is best to use after seeing so many different things, so a suggestion on these too please. I want to take something throughout the cycle to prevent gyno and would like to know what's best. Also for post cycle a suggestion on best product. I know I've said a mouthful but one more thing is I'm a bit on the cautious side here so if I could get a layout of exactly when to take what thatbe. awesome. I do know I'll be taking 50 mg of Winstrol (winny) daily but the others I want an experienced users input. Finally I've been training for a little over 2 years, I'm 30 years old, I'm 5'10" and 185lbs. In the gym 5 times a week for an hour and a half each session. I have been staying low calorie and med carb but if this situation requires a change in diet I'm at your mercy and will do what is suggested. Just to let everyone know why I'm doing this. I'm going to a wedding in Barbados in 12 weeks where my EX fiance will be also and 2 years ago when we split she told a buddy of mine she wasn't happy with the way I looked so I wanna shit in her champagne
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Why do you want the winny/. What do you expect from it.

I would go with 500mg Test C with 50mg Pinnacle Anavar for 8 weeks. You will be a new man if your diet is on.
I hate it when people say. I dont wanna get to big. Dude come on like its that easy. It takes years of dedication, proper training, diet and gear to do it. Just do a test cycle or like rowdybrad said and do a test cycle with Anavar (var) or test alone.
I was given 200 10 mg pills and that's what I'm gonna try because I hear its good for looking cut and lean and yes I've heard its because it dries you out. But I'm only looking to use it as if this wedding week were a contest.
Sorry didn't mean to sound like that. I was trying to say that I want Winstrol (winny) for the definition sorry again if I sounded ignorant
Bro there's a lot of reasons not to run winny.... Dried out painful joints being a top one in my mind. It's just not a first timer's best choice. You may like the results that Winstrol (winny) can supposedly bring but I'll bet you haven't fully researched the side effects of it.
I totally respect your desire to give your ex the one finger salute in a big way, but you have to go about it wisely.
I'm with rowdy... Test e and Anavar (var) will work wonders with the right diet!
Sorry didn't mean to sound like that. I was trying to say that I want Winstrol (winny) for the definition sorry again if I sounded ignorant

winny won't cut u, neither will any other compound (except for tren, but that's a tale for another day)... ONLY your diet will get u to where u wanna be
Ok guess I'm going with test and Anavar (var) then. That sucks getting something free but notusing it but oh well I don't wanna be stupid. All my same questions apply though if those could be answered. Just things like gyno blockers, post cycle, liver support and mainly an exact layout of how much of what to take and when ED or EOD? I did like the fact that the test can be 2 times a week. Is the Anavar (var) pills? Or more jabs? Last rowdybrad said to use test C and ocdude said test E. Which one? Thanks again for the help fellas!

P.S. I only plan on doing this 1 cycle so any pointers would be appreciated as well.
P.P.S. To insure I go about diet correctly if anyone has the time to draw one up for the test and Anavar (var) combo to give me the best results of looking cut while getting the benefits of this combo it'd be greatly appreciated.
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Hey rowdybrad was that 50 mg a week or day? Might sound like a stupid question but I admit I'm ignorant to dosing I'm a newbie.
Well since you are so determined to do this, for Your own sake, know what you are doing... This all may sound like a quick fix for a short term goal, but the long term ramifications are much greater than you realize! So start reading bro, and at the very least understand the basics:

I'll gladly help you layout a cycle when you can come back and talk to me intelligently about your PCT, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) choice and any sense of concern over possible side effects. Don't read that as me being rude, I spent well over a month reading as much as I could before ever putting a cycle plan together. And if you want send me the Winstrol (winny) ;)
Ocdude I owe you a debt of gratitude!!! I had heard and read about the testes shrinking and the loss of libido but I had not heard about infertility! I very much wanna have children and if there is a chance of ruining that I'M OUT. You find a way of letting me know where to send the Winstrol (winny) and it's all yours. Thanks again man you're a truly good person.
Ocdude I owe you a debt of gratitude!!! I had heard and read about the testes shrinking and the loss of libido but I had not heard about infertility! I very much wanna have children and if there is a chance of ruining that I'M OUT. You find a way of letting me know where to send the Winstrol (winny) and it's all yours. Thanks again man you're a truly good person.

Haha All in a days work... No serious, I'm glad to help bro. Thats why most of us are here! Its a decision you have to make for yourself... there are inherent risks and benefits that you should weigh before ever starting down a path (especially a dark slippery slopey one like steroids :whipping: ). What ever you decide, best of luck to you!