bout to try this out!


New member
Hey stats for me. My 3rd cycle. Been off juice for 3months. I'm 25yr old 5'6 192lb with 8-9%bf. And my diet consist of a lot of white/brown rice. Ton of tuna, Salem, shrimp and skinless chicken breast. Haven't had pop in 8 years all I drink is tons of water. Now for the cycle I'm thinking of doing that I put together below. Just looking for some feed back and thoughts. Thanks!

For 12 weeks do eod 100mg prop and eod between prop for
5 weeks doing 100mg of primo and then for then for week six at 300mg Dec a week and switch
The primo to cyp 100mg for 6weeks then finish off with Winstrol (winny) 100 in place of cyp till
I'm done with the prop and follow through with the Winstrol (winny) for 5 more weeks at 100mg eod.

Any thought? Have n, and clem for pct.