Boyfriend and steroids. Tren too much for newbie?

he said it wil increase his sex drive. i can only find info and forums on it shutting down.. .

Im on Tren and test pro as a first cycle and I didn't do research because I was dumb and got talked into it by a friend who convinced me he knew all about gear and realy doesn't know anything.....
This being said I have put on size and my sex drive is threw the roof (like a teenager lol) unfortunately it makes me sweaty and I have been having chest pains and cardio issues......... tread lightly and best of luck.
Its nice to see your loyal to your man and looking out for his best interest.
lol just out of curiosity how old are you and your boyfriend? Lol you should really get him to post on here in this thread. It would be really really funny and bring me great joy to see him argue with half wit and some of the other members why he can run a tren only cycle. He eventually will be looking on the forrums to make all his side effects go away. I am starting to think this guy should just run his tren only cycle and have to deal with the side effects of being a thick headed ass hole and not listening to you. I would just say fuck it at this point and let him learn the hard way. It might sound mean but he obviously knows more than all of us and you in his mind so maybe learning the hard way is the only way for him.
I am 24 years old and he is 28. He refused already to come on the forums when I suggested it to him! His friend is the King of Knowledge apparently :p!

He is taking the tren for body fat loss (there is hardly anything there, just a teeny bit of a belly he wants to get rid of). I told him he should just do some weights to tone up instead and I think he may be overdoing the fighting and running, like burning up any muscle he could have created (to aid in fat loss). He also does not sleep or rest enough. Goes to the pub too many times a week for a 'few' after work drinks, which ends up being 8 or more drinks in one sitting. A few changes to lifestyle and I think he'd be fine.A lot of fighters aren't actually that ripped. I put him on a low carb diet last year for 4 weeks and the results were incredible, he lost 5 kilos and you could see his abs. He doesn't even need AAS for what he is trying to achieve.

Well maybe I should invest in a breast pump lol. Learning the hard way is the only way for him. I hate to see it happen to him. IF he does get all these awful side effects. Or when he stops taking them his muscle/lean ness just disappears. It seems like a huge waste of money to me.
lol with your attitude it sounds like you have the knowledge to be in better shape than him:cool:

Thanks :) I don't care about being ripped but I am definitely healthy and a little toned.

Not off to a good start, found the tren in the fridge. It says on the bottle between 5'c-29'c :/. The fridge is about 4'c or 3'c. LOL! It's winter here and our winters are very moderate. Not too hot, not too cold. Room temp would be perfect.
lol...well fuck it you tried....... lol I will bet that around being on it for one month he will start to have libido issues. Lol let us know what happens I for one am curious ha ha ha
Thanks :) I don't care about being ripped but I am definitely healthy and a little toned.

Not off to a good start, found the tren in the fridge. It says on the bottle between 5'c-29'c :/. The fridge is about 4'c or 3'c. LOL! It's winter here and our winters are very moderate. Not too hot, not too cold. Room temp would be perfect.

Honestly, I think tren will be perfect for this. It might scare him into listening to you as it will invariably mess with his manhood and give him a nice scare. Sucks that some sides can be permanent, but you've done all that you can. If he becomes abusive on it though, do yourself a favor and leave please. No sense in being with a guy that can't control himself while on a drug. Especially since that is a preview of what he can become like without it.

Best wishes. :)
I don't know you or your BF madeleine, but I get the distinct impression that you are way to good for him and will only suffer sticking around for what's to come. O and I second the pic thing lol.
At least try to get him to throw in some test enanthate for sanity and your sex life's sake. Also 10 wk min on that ester of tren...
And yes he will absolutely need PCT, especially with the cycle he is "planning".
Many of us make dumb mistakes in this game starting out, but what is most disturbing is his unwillingness to learn and instead relying totally on broscience. Maybe phrase your research to him more like I found this awesome new way to do this, not like your loser friend who gave you terrible advice is totally wrong (even though I find that to be the case).
lol I wanted to see what you look like to but didn't want to sound like a creep ha ha ha ha. Theres like no way to state it that doesn't sound weird... lol so I will say im just curious after talking to you honestly. Lol im curious as to what a lot of the people on here look like.:dance2:
I'll give you all an update in a week. First injection down. I am making special meals from him so hopefully that will yield some results.

I would post pics but that would be highly embarrassing if anyone I know recognizes me lol!
I'll give you all an update in a week. First injection down. I am making special meals from him so hopefully that will yield some results.

I would post pics but that would be highly embarrassing if anyone I know recognizes me lol!

cut out ur face home girl
I have to add that anyone I've known on tren and has had a GF or fiancée when they started the cycle.. didn't at the end of the cycle; Tren turns you into a giant cock and balls, any part of the brain that can think rationally has been JDAM'ed into the stone age.
I knew a guy who turned completely crazy on it and thought he was the toughest guy in the world... I honestly would have to say I hated him more than almost any one I had ever met and the tren caused it. He was delusional and thought he was like Michael Corleone from god father. The tren didn't actuall cause it. It was just the hair that broke the camels back so to speak!