brand new ... before pics going to keep updating ya

So your taking Winstrol (winny) alone?
Either way its a bad idea alone or not.

My suggestion eat some food and lift, if you have to run something run test.
You look like me 2 years ago and I didn't need to shred I needed to eat the right foods and lift.
And it looks like we both need to work on our posing;)

cheers peeps

What other compounds are u on? What's ur training and diet look like?

No other compound as of yet will be getting some dbol hopefully next week, I'm going to take Winstrol (winny) 15mg for the First week then prob go 20mg with 10mg dbol, no special diet just high protein n carbs
Might have to get some oral testosterone in and milk thistle tho
Wait I just did the math.... 120ish lbs???
First and last day of winny.

No other compound as of yet will be getting some dbol hopefully next week, I'm going to take Winstrol (winny) 15mg for the First week then prob go 20mg with 10mg dbol, no special diet just high protein n carbs
Might have to get some oral testosterone in and milk thistle tho

No. Just stop. Let the wise men here direct you.
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Ha posing techniques lol, as I'm very slim and quite toned ish Im expecting Winstrol (winny) to harden n tone the little muscle
I have, next week when I combine it with dbol I hope to gain weight (water) and look bigger ( aint that what steds are all about lol )
U need to resurch my friend. U always have a test as a base.

It also looks like a proper diet and training would add alot on u naturally. Ur a bit to small for AAS IMO. How long have u been training?
Explain, remember I'm a novice we all have to learn, Winstrol (winny) tones and hardens and dbol retains water n bulks you out (right ?)
OK I understand but what test would I take n how much and how often PS is 15mg ed for week 1 OK then wk2 20mg remember I am small
You're going to hear this over and over... Learn to eat first. No amount of steroid is going to magically make you blow up... You could easily, naturally add 1-2 stone just eating the correct amount of daily calories. And yes you need to track what you eat. It's the only way to know if you're getting enough.

Start there man, diet diet diet... It's 80% of this game.
You're going to hear this over and over... Learn to eat first. No amount of steroid is going to magically make you blow up... You could easily, naturally add 1-2 stone just eating the correct amount of daily calories. And yes you need to track what you eat. It's the only way to know if you're getting enough.

Start there man, diet diet diet... It's 80% of this game.

Could I not just take supps like tribulus terrestrial testosterone pills ?
There's a 1001 natural test "booster" pills out there you could try. And yes I'd much rather see you go that route for now. It might give you a little boost in the gym but it's not going to make you hulk out.
Lets just say your body fat is at 12%, do you know your TDEE? Are you eating enough to put weight on period? If you can't gain weight just by eating more than you're expending, no one here can help you... You need medical help to remove the tape worm or whatever it is preventing you from gaining weight
There's a 1001 natural test "booster" pills out there you could try. And yes I'd much rather see you go that route for now. It might give you a little boost in the gym but it's not going to make you hulk out.
Lets just say your body fat is at 12%, do you know your TDEE? Are you eating enough to put weight on period? If you can't gain weight just by eating more than you're expending, no one here can help you... You need medical help to remove the tape worm or whatever it is preventing you from gaining weight

2293 for TDEE
I still want to task Winstrol (winny) and dbol I know now I will loose my natural test so was hoping to replace it with one of those 1001 types of test pills, I'm only planning on 20mg Winstrol (winny) ed, with maybe 10mg dbol soon, if I feel shit after a week or two I may start the ...test e along with the oral but didn't want to go down the injection route (wuss and newbee - the one that likes sunbeds, health drinks and Chillin by the pool side lol )
Your method isn't logical or does it even make sense.

Reevaluate the entire idea.

I still think this is a joke.
Haha I get where you're coming from... Uh kinda. But there's an issue with your logic. Once your natty system gets shutdown by the dbol/winny no amount of test boosting supplement is going to help. What's 0x100? That's right you can't boost what doesn't exist.
If you're just determined to do this, damned the consequence or advice anyone else is giving you, at least start from the beginning and read all the stickies on how to cycle properly. THEN we can circle back and talk about your plan.

Or do the dbol, for 4-6 weeks, bloat up with water weight, lose your dick for a while and when all is said and done, you will end up right where you are now plus maybe a few pounds. But my guess is since you haven't learned how to eat correctly to gain and maintain solid weight, you'll end up spinning your wheels for nothing.