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I'm thinking about giving up bread. i've never given up bread completely so not sure how it will effecect me but i was just wondering how much bread you all eat and if you avoid it completely how you benefit from it.
The only bread I eat is ezekial bread, love that stuff. Whole wheat bread is ok too as long as it isnt that enriched bullshit so I cant really see a reason to avoid it altogether. If you decide to though, its not a big deal, there are other good forms of carbs.
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The only bread I eat is ezekial bread, love that stuff. Whole wheat bread is ok too as long as it isnt that enriched bullshit so I cant really see a reason to avoid it altogether. If you decide to though, its not a big deal, there are other good forms of carbs.

Yep e-bread is the shit
the reason i ask is because i've heard of a lot of people giving up bread while they're trying to lean out. I love bread too much to try it but may give it a go.
How much bread are you consuming daily?

What is calories/proteins/carbs/fats/sugars in the kind of Bread you eat?
Being of turkish backround its pretty hard for me to completely cut out bread yeah i love my bread especially when its home made :yumyum: but in moderation only its ok wont make you fat IMO I eat about 3- 4 slices of wholemeal daily go on enjoy your self a little bread wont hurt you or set you back on your goals :biggthump

How much bread are you consuming daily?

What is calories/proteins/carbs/fats/sugars in the kind of Bread you eat?

hard to say, it fluxuates. I eat at maintnance calories....about 33500 day.

Being of turkish backround its pretty hard for me to completely cut out bread yeah i love my bread especially when its home made :yumyum: but in moderation only its ok wont make you fat IMO I eat about 3- 4 slices of wholemeal daily go on enjoy your self a little bread wont hurt you or set you back on your goals :biggthump


Tell me about it brother! I"m from an Italian family.....breads and pastas all the time! hard to be moderate with that stuff!!
hard to say, it fluxuates. I eat at maintnance calories....about 33500 day.QUOTE]

3500 calories a day right not 33,500 LOL...

You should honestly be ok with Eating Whole wheat types of breads as long as you are not consuming bread all day long.
IMO of course. :)