Breakfast of Champs?

It's pretty easy.

900-1000 grams of extra lean ground turkey (about 2 lbs).
1 box of Stove Top Stuffing mix.
2 tbsp of honey

You need to turn the stove top into bread crumbs by
mixing them in the blender or Magic Bullet works best.
If not, put them in a bag and crush them with a rolling pin.

Mix the Stove top, honey, and ground turkey in a bowl,
cover it and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours.

Weigh them out into 50 gram balls,
then flatten them into cookie like shapes.

Stagger them on a plate and put them in the freezer
till they are half frozen. If you try to put them in a freezer bag
without freezing them first, they will break and crumble.

Makes 22-23 burgers

Per 2 Burgers (100g) :

Calories = 140
Fat = 5g
Protein = 22g
Carbohydrates = 1g

I cook them on the George Foreman grill is best.
If you plan to fry them you should use a
non stick pan with no oil as the burgers will
soak up any oils.

I like to use a silicone brush and give them a dash of
PC's "Memories of Thailand, chili pepper sauce".
Or use BBQ sauce or anything you like.

I keep 2 freezer bags of these on hand at all times.
You can eat them any time and mix them with vegetables
or salad. I like to have most of my meals ready to go so I don't
dig into the wrong things. These work very well for me :)

Hope you like them.

Trying this today....I'll let you know what I think...thanks for the recipe brah
I hate eating in the morning. mine goes into the blender lol. 1 cup oatmeal, 1.5 cups of all whites, 1 cup 2% milk, 1 banana, 2 tbs peanut butter.

dude i tried the exact thing this morning but i used real egg whites not the container ones and put ice in it...and didnt have banana for it and its pretty damn good and easy to eat and fast .