breaking a bench plateau...


hey bros...i always wanted to hit 225...did it..worked through to 300 and broke it...hit 400 and broke it..i hit 485 now and i cant seem to bust through is killing me..i want 5 bills so bad...i have switched up to 3 by 3's to try and blow past it..but not working..i hit 490 and i can get it off the cest get almost to lock out, but no go...maybe a back or shoulder issue, my back lacks on my upper body, but i am trying to blow it....

Do you do heavy d-bell flats/Inclines? When you do them(assuming you do), do you start out with the d-bell on your chest, and perform the first rep without the benefit of an initial negative? Performing them in this manner will help you alot in developing explosive power off of your chest. Try the same with your military d-bells. Start out with the d-bells resting on the Shoulders for the initial repetition. I see guys who do both of these exercises and start by having someone hand the weights to them in full lockout position, so that they are able to perform the lift with the benefit of an initial negative, as if they were taking the weight off of a rack. If you don't do your d-bells this(the former) way, then start. It will help. Lockouts are also a good suggestion(jcp2).
Beast_19_301 said:
easterr do u wanna try the power matrix I can email it to u if u want? Its 2 big too post on this page.

Right now i will try anything it over to

thanks to all the other bros for the input...i have been doing some board press, and working on beefing up my tris...

I have built a big bench overcoming various plateaus and sticking points.

For problems getting the bar off your chest ~ Rear delts

Start hitting 4 to 6 sets of rear delts;
Incline delt raises(flat chest inverted, chest to bench)
Rear delt raises
Low cable rope pulls(do them the same as hitting side laterals on a low pulley except bend yourself at the waist so your chest is parallel to the ground.)

Lockout trouble ~ Triceps

Close grip bench
Skull Crushers
Overhead extensions
etc, etc..
Another suggestion:

For three weeks perform incline Smith benchpresses with a heavy weight for three working sets of five reps. So if you are able to bench 485 you should be able to incline on the smith machine 365-385 for reps of five.

Each week increase the weight on the Smith machine by 5-10lbs for those reps of five.

By week 4 make the first chest workout a light one, to acclimate yourself to flat benching prior to your next heavy day.

Then still in week 4 try hitting 500.

So the routine looks like this:

Week 1:
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5

Flat Bench:
405 x 5
365 x 5
385 x 5

Week 2:
375 x 5
375 x 5
375 x 5

Flat Bench:
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5

Week 3:
385 x 5
385 x 5
385 x 5

Flat Bench:
405 x 5
425 x 5
385 x 5

Week 4:

Flat Bench:
275 x 8
275 x 8
275 x 8

225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10

Workout 2:

Go for 500

I am assuming that you bench twice a week. The workouts I listed are for your heavy days only, on your light days cut the weight by 25-35% and maintain the volume.

This is just a suggestion. It worked for me both times I ever needed to use it. Good Luck.