Breaking News: PP has discontinued ALL pro-hormones!

word is that 1-T (you have the liqua-vade or topical versions to choose from) and Formestane are the two products that are going to sell out first, so if you want to get either of them, NOW is the time!

If only I could post links...

Time's running out to get this stack for 30% off.
Make your time.
If only I could post links...

Time's running out to get this stack for 30% off.
Make your time.


On that note, something on 1-T and Formestane, a cycle from Scott re dosing/timing:
1-T LV
Training Days: 10ml, ~2hrs prior to training
Off Days: 5ml, 2x/day (~12hrs apart)

Formestane LV
Training Days: 5ml, ~2hrs prior to training
Off Days: 0ml

6-8wk cycle.

The Primordial Woman
1-T and Formestane are now all GONE, and there are a only few hundred bottles left of AndroHard, Dermacrine, and Turinabol!

The Primordial Woman
How do you like the dream tea? I really have been meaning to try it.

Its nice.
very mild in taste and I dont feel more groggy when i get up (im groggy ether way so)
I like it i feel i get a slightly deeper sleep.

Gf likes it too.
my mom i gave her a bag she didnt like it .
she said it tasted too bad.
i really dont know what shes talking about, I like the taste.
more for me o well lol
Stock Remaining!

If you still have not had your chance to stock up on genuine Primordial brand pro-hormone products, now if your chance. We still have limited quantities available of our most popular items.

Currently we have the following items left in stock –

AndroHard Liqua-Vade **BEST SELLER** (prevents gyno and hardens muscles) [>390 remaining]

Turinabol Liqua-Vade **MOST POWERFUL** (our strongest mass builder) [>190 remaining]

Dermacrine Topical (excellent recomp agent) [>380 remaining]

Dermacrine Liqua-Vade (excellent oral recomp agent) [>330 remaining]

... and ALL stacks of the above products

Plus, order over $150 worth of product and get free FedEx shipping!**

Conversation about the discontinuation of our legendary pro-hormones continues at Breaking News: PP has discontinued ALL pro-hormones! - Primordial Performance Discussion Forums.

To those who have made purchases already we thank you for your contribution and support for the future growth of Primordial Performance. To date, all orders placed before 9/23/2010 should be on the way to your door, with additional orders short to follow.

The Primordial Woman
If you still have not had your chance to stock up on genuine Primordial brand pro-hormone products, now if your chance. We still have limited quantities available of our most popular items.

Currently we have the following items left in stock –

AndroHard Liqua-Vade **BEST SELLER** (prevents gyno and hardens muscles) [>390 remaining]

Turinabol Liqua-Vade **MOST POWERFUL** (our strongest mass builder) [>190 remaining]

Dermacrine Topical (excellent recomp agent) [>380 remaining]

Dermacrine Liqua-Vade (excellent oral recomp agent) [>330 remaining]

... and ALL stacks of the above products

Plus, order over $150 worth of product and get free FedEx shipping!**

Conversation about the discontinuation of our legendary pro-hormones continues at Breaking News: PP has discontinued ALL pro-hormones! - Primordial Performance Discussion Forums.

To those who have made purchases already we thank you for your contribution and support for the future growth of Primordial Performance. To date, all orders placed before 9/23/2010 should be on the way to your door, with additional orders short to follow.

The Primordial Woman

Stock is dwindling down fellas...don't miss out!!



Primordial Performance
Stock is dwindling down fellas...don't miss out!!

Thank you everyone for your fantastic support during this sale. We're really making serious progress on our goals to help support and bring you the new product line and future developments! :dance2:

The Primordial Woman
Less than 400 left of the other products :dance2:

v. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing, pro·cras·ti·nates
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
To postpone or delay needlessly.
To miss out on this final opportunity to save up to 40% on Primordial PHs and rack up some points for some free product from Primordial Performance.