British Dragon Test E 250mg 25ml. GOOD STUFF?


New member
I have a bottle of British Dragon (BD) Testosterone Ethanate 250mg / 25ml. It has a clear cap and a silver looking hologram on top. It was manufactured in 2010 and expires in 2016.

I am not asking if this is real BD. I am asking if anyone has used this TEST E, whether it be a BD clone or not, and got good results.

Again i know there are many fake BD labels but the gear inside is g2g. Anyone used this particular style label?
yes the same but his was andropen. I have never bought from this source before, but my other source ran dry so i had no choice. On the other hand the guy i got it from is a local i know fairly well and i wouldnt suspect him to sell me crap because i see him everyday at the gym
same stuff? test e in the same bottle with the clear hologram on top? how many weeks in? you seeing good results bro?
great bro i appreciate it? Where you from? I'm in NC i was wondering how close we were becuz we have the same gear. I just started it monday. Im doing 250mg of test e on mondays and thursday. next monday ill start my eq along with the test e. what did you pay for your test if you dont mind me askin. i paid 180 which seemed way steep but the sources were thin so i snatched it
Test-E 250 25Ml

Hey bro. was in the process of getting same stuff domestic, first time using this source he says its has BD label but IP is the actual lab, would this be the same as you have and would I be smart to get it, thanks.........

great ro i appreciate it? Where you from? I'm in NC i was wondering how close we were becuz we have the same gear. I just started it monday. Im doing 250mg of test e on mondays and thursday. next monday ill start my eq along with the test e. what did you pay for your test if you dont mind me askin. i paid 180 which seemed way steep but the sources were thin so i snatched it
There is test in here but its very underdosed. How do I know well I had my test levels checked before and after I completed the cycle. My test levels didnt skyrocket like they used to they mildly went up.

And I got no side effects at 500Mgs a week
Hey bro. was in the process of getting same stuff domestic, first time using this source he says its has BD label but IP is the actual lab, would this be the same as you have and would I be smart to get it, thanks.........

probably the same stuff....monday will be the end of week two and beginning of week three. First week was only test E 250mg on monday and 250mg on thursday, but week two i started EQ at 200mg on monday and 200 thursday and i will run it like that till the end of my cycle. Its onlt been two weeks but i feel pumped all the time...even on off days.....ill see just how good it is from week 4-8
haha sorry...i think it is funny as do others. you are the first two that have said something negative...i guess you can block me? im not changing it at the moment...specailly im in a fucking supr bad mood yeah i cant be on here chatting it up right now