bronkAid -vs- Primatine

Chicago Made

New member
My local Walgreens told e they took BronkAid off the market when i went to get my ec stack so i bought Primatine. Is Primatine just the same as using BronkAid? Is it an acceptable substitute?
My local Walgreens told e they took BronkAid off the market when i went to get my ec stack so i bought Primatine. Is Primatine just the same as using BronkAid? Is it an acceptable substitute?

yes, it has real ephedrine in it. Walmart still caries Bronkaid, you just have to ask at the pharmacy.
Primatine = ephedrine HCl (and 12.5mg/cap)
Bronkaid = ephedrine S (and 25mg/cap)

There have been numerous debates on which one is better, but the difference is negligible. Most people tend to favor the HCl, but I actually enjoyed the sulfate, better. I know Walgreens (and I'm sure most pharmacies, too) has it's own version, which is identical to Primatine, but cheaper.