Any website to buy in bulk Ephedrine for ECA stack


Mini Rocky
Im close to going on my cut, i was thinking of just buying Clen since i used it in the past. But unsure if i wanna risk that big side effect on the heart. So I believe I will just buy for ECA stack. Now ive tried going to the local CVS/Walgreens and buying Bronkaide but they told me they hit a shortage and wasnt selling them. *****NO SOURCE TALK*******
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Try Walmart for the bronkAid. Thats where I've got mine for the past 6 or 7 months. Also you can get the primatine pills. Their only 12.5 mg. of ephedrine per pill versus 25 mg per bronkAid pill. So you just have to take two to match the bronkAid. They work just as good. I've had to get those several times over the past few months because they were out of bronkAid. They sell those at Walmart also.
Try Walmart for the bronkAid. Thats where I've got mine for the past 6 or 7 months. Also you can get the primatine pills. Their only 12.5 mg. of ephedrine per pill versus 25 mg per bronkAid pill. So you just have to take two to match the bronkAid. They work just as good. I've had to get those several times over the past few months because they were out of bronkAid. They sell those at Walmart also.

There you go.
Ephedrine is so hard to find outside of bronkaid (which I use too) . I found someone who shipped me eca from over seas. When I took it my first thought was. It's most likely fake and has caffeine and that's it.
It's like hgh, if you can't test it to know for sure then don't buy it.

P.s. @#$%^&*()_?? For stupidity.########the management############
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