bruising, pain and lumps at inj. site


New member
i started out okay. frontloaded a gram on week one and then switched to eod injections. no pain, no lumps, no bruises. all of a sudden the injection site is sore as fuck after injecting. i bruised my left glute and my right glute is swollen and hard as fuck. there is a hard lump where i injected. no big deal, im already used to it. well, i figured maybe i moved the needle around or did something wrong, but yesterday i injected in my left arm and the same thing is happening. it is hard as fuck, sore as fuck and there is a lump. tomorrow i inject in the right arm. i will be anal about injection procedure but im pretty sure it is gonna be soar as fuck like the other three spots. my theory is that the sustanon is not dispersing quickly enough and the accumulated gear is building up and causing the pain. is this right bros? if so, what can i do? im kinda scared to inject in the quad. im being a pussy, the same thing happened when i first injected in the arm. once i did it i realized it was even easier than injecting in the glute. its probably the same with the quad but im being really apprehensive about it. should i add the quads to the rotation? will this solve the problem? its not really a problem right now. each spot is being injected once a week, giving me plenty of time to recuperate, but later on i dont want to run into complications. maybe develop scar tissue as a result. anyways, if anyone can help me out with advice, i already appreciate it. im rotating 4 injection sites right now, the arms and glutes. 125 mg sustanon or half a cc on mon, wed, fri, and sun. later.
bro i feel u, right now my right cheek is KILLING ME OMG!!!!!!!! i need a football :( but seriously bro, i inject 2 cc's in one glute, 1 of deca 1 of enanthate and bro like u in the beginning it was a piece of cake and now i am in serious painage, lmao if ya can figure out the answer or any of u bros on the board can i am all ears!
if its bruised then ya must have hit a vein,causing a hematoma(bruise)the test alone will not cause a bruise, use a warm compress 15min (breaks up clotting) then a cold compress 15 min(controls swelling) should help.if no bruising then I would go with the "sustanon is not dispersing " idea.still use the hot compress idea(without the cold) good luck
thanks, its not that big a deal, i am just trying to think ahead. its only been two weeks and some change and i guess i am just thinking out loud. i dont think i hit a vein though, i always pull back before injecting, forcing one or two little air bubbles into the syringe before shooting. i think i may have twisted the syringe a bit and that may have caused the bruise. i got a bad cramp while turning to inject in my left glute and i had to wait for it to calm down before proceeding. the needle was already in when i started to cramp up. so it was in there a while. oh well, if it gets to where i cant inject cause im not recovering in time, ill try your idea out cdog. later.
I foud that if you when injecting it is best to push plunger slowly about 7-10 sec per cc . and heat pad for about 15 min and massaging it. This will allow the Sustanon (sust) to disipate. For brusing apply pressure with cotton or gause for a couple min.
I am sometimes as confused as hell because some shots are painless while others in the exact same spot hurt like a bitch and swell. I wonder if it does'nt perhaps have something to do with how close the needle point is to the facia, and that perhaps the needle point is not deep enough into the centre of the muscle? Perhaps some docs can help out with their advice here?