bshank's TRT Log and Journal

That's an extremely high dose @833iu 2x per week.

5000iu/3ml = 1666.66iu/1ml = 833iu/.5ml


Bshank are you sure that's the dose that your doctor intended you to inject? Most literature that I've seen states that the max dose for a single injection shouldn't exceed 500iu.

Does your prescription say to only use 3ml of sterile water when reconstituting?
I see you're cycling 3x wk. I was just studying in another SubForum, and you might consider HighIntensityIntervalTraining on your bike as is referenced in the Burning the Fat Subforum?

My diet alone should lead to fat loss. I actually do resistance training 3 times a week and I bike 4-5 times a week. Most of the time it's about 50-60 minute sessions but on Saturdays I go for longer. Today I did 50 miles which is took 4 hours hours. I'll probably start doing some interval training on weekdays to help improve my speed but really I'm treating it more like a sport/hobby... it just happens to burn a decent amount of calories.
SHANK <> Sounds like your reference in Post#48 is accurate whereas you're losing fat, but your weight is static as your muscle mass is growing. Resistance training 3-4x wk & cycling is likely going to build mass on AAS.
Week 8

I ended up getting a bug over the weekend so I don't have much to report. I was(and still am a little) feeling sluggish, tired and meh but that's to be expected.
My blood work is in.

Testosterone, Serum : 1466
Estradiol: 21.7

I am very surprised with where my Estradiol is. Remember I am taking 1mg of AI twice a week. Obviously my T is high. I haven't talked to the doctor yet, they just email me the results as soon as they get them in.

What do you guys make of it?


I pinned Friday evening and took the blood test Monday afternoon.
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BSHANK <> So as I've said before, it's interesting watching your log as we started nearly identical protocols at nearly identical times.

Your E2 looks great. Were you expecting it to be lower since you are on what consensus dictates is a high AI dosage? I felt the same way, but many here assured me that it's in line. I tested trough numbers - actually one day late @8 days after T shot & 4.5 days after HCG/rimdex - while you tested peak numbers (2 days after T), and mine came back E2 @22.8 & Testosterone @879.

How are you feeling otherwise? Have you dropped any of the weight you have aspired to? Are you feeling 100% after the bug a couple weeks ago? I ask as I had the same, a weekend bug, but now 5 weeks later I still have a deep seeded congestion that instigates an occasional cough. Just a lingering annoyance, but I wonder if maybe you are experiencing anything consistent?
BSHANK <> So as I've said before, it's interesting watching your log as we started nearly identical protocols at nearly identical times.

Your E2 looks great. Were you expecting it to be lower since you are on what consensus dictates is a high AI dosage? I felt the same way, but many here assured me that it's in line. I tested trough numbers - actually one day late @8 days after T shot & 4.5 days after HCG/rimdex - while you tested peak numbers (2 days after T), and mine came back E2 @22.8 & Testosterone @879.

How are you feeling otherwise? Have you dropped any of the weight you have aspired to? Are you feeling 100% after the bug a couple weeks ago? I ask as I had the same, a weekend bug, but now 5 weeks later I still have a deep seeded congestion that instigates an occasional cough. Just a lingering annoyance, but I wonder if maybe you are experiencing anything consistent?

In general I am doing pretty good. My libido is in a pretty good place. It doesn't take much to put me in the mood. Depression wise things have been better than usual. I've only had a few moments where I felt myself slipping but it lasted only minutes/hours as opposed to days/weeks/months.

I've only lost 2lbs(I weighted in at 216 monday) or so since starting but this week I noticed that some of my shirts are fitting looser. I've also had a few people mention that I am looking more 'fit'. While my resistance training is still limited due to my back I am certainly getting stronger. I guess I am doing a 'body recomp' as opposed to just fat loss. I would have thought my calories too low for that but I guess not. I am actually thinking of upping my daily caloric intake from 2100 to 2500. I log my bike riding and for the past 3 weeks I have been doing 7+ hours of cardio a week. That number might be going up since I just got a stationary trainer that will let me put in some work even when it's raining outside(which has been a big problem lately).

I think the bug is pretty much gone. I think I am sneezing more still but that might just be some construction they are doing in my office this week.
Great to hear you're feeling better, and that you're getting some compliments on your physique. I had hypothesized in post #65 that 'body recomp' was what you are experiencing, and I imagine you must be happy with that!:beertoast

I hear you on the rain; never stops down here in the deep South.
Great to hear you're feeling better, and that you're getting some compliments on your physique. I had hypothesized in post #65 that 'body recomp' was what you are experiencing, and I imagine you must be happy with that!:beertoast

I hear you on the rain; never stops down here in the deep South.

It's nice to know my efforts for the past few months haven't been in vain, for sure. I've always just lost weight in a caloric deficit so having the scale not move is really weird. I found out this morning large shirts actually fit me again. I was well into XL range of clothes before.

Tomorrow is my next injections I will do a an official update then as well. I don't know if I am going to update very week anymore since it's mostly the same stuff.
Week 10

Libido: Basically if I am not tired then it takes very little to put me in the mood.
Mood: It's been a while since i've had any depressive bouts or any anxiety. I'm hestitant to give the 100% thumbs up yet but so far so good.
Body Recomp: My weight is hanging between 216-218 now but I have gotten significantly stronger, my shirts fit differently and I've had a few comments on that I look more fit. Next week I am getting a bod pod test done and plan on doing one once a month so i can objectively track progress. Getting comments and having my clothes fit differently is nice but I'm a software engineer and need objective numbers in order to set goals for myself.

While I still don't enjoy it the IM injections are easier now than they were. I still haven't talked to my doc about my recently bloodwork results.
Week 14 or something

Libido: It's pretty good. I kind of wish it was more constant but last week I was unable to do the nasty for an entire week and it turned me into a sexual werewolf. It was pretty damn annoying so I guess I am glad I'm not like that all the time.
Mood: Still no depression or mood swings. This is an insanely long time for me to not have depression. I'm not Mr Happy but I don't spend a lot of time and energy fighting through BS mental barriers just to make it through a normal day
Body Recomp: Down to 212. Not a ton of weight loss but I have gotten stronger. More and more people have mentioned that I am looking a lot thinner and I look better in L shirts instead of XL. I also certainly have some 'tone' in some of my body parts again. Mainly legs and arms. I'm getting a second bod pod test done in 2 weeks or so so that will tell me a bit more about muscle growth.

1. My nads have definitely shrunk. 20-30 percent or so. Maybe more. My wife did not notice. I do not care. If anything my wang seems a lot larger since i think my balls were always kind of large.
2. I recently had to travel for a week and did not want to deal with trying to keep my HCG refridgerated so I skipped an entire week of HCG/AI and just did test. I ended up getting some mild acne on my bike. 5-8 zits in a few different spots. When I got home I went back to HCG/AI and it's pretty much cleared up with no more zits.
3. I ended up scraping my leg bone when I did my quad injection this morning. I guess I've lost enough fat that the 1.5 inch needle shouldn't go in all the way. It didn't hurt but I had no idea why the needle stopped at first. It makes me cringe thinking about it. The injection site kind of hurts now but it's similar to that soreness you get when you first start injecting. I guess that happens from time to time. It's my first sore spot since my muscles got used to getting poked once a week.
4.5 months in

Starting to get acne on my back. Probably 8-12 zits back there. I am going to try some 10g of powdered B5, 50mg zinc picolonate, and 100mg pycnogenol once a day which is something I found on these forums. Hopefully it will help.

My body recomp is still chugging away. Hard to believe that it's been about 5 months and I have really only lost 10-12lbs on the scale. I am a numbers guy so it's kind of hard for me to stay the course without seeing some objective numbers confirming my success. I've had to replace all my old shirts with a smaller size. I pretty much swim in my old ones. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my shoulders/back and despite losing fat I think my arms are actually bigger. Anyways, all that is just backing up my claims that TRT is making me a do a recomp instead of what should have been strict fat loss plan.
So for the past 2-3 weeks my libido hasn't been as high as it was(and it was never super high though after TRT it was acceptable). On top of that I am getting all sorts of back acne and I had one show up in my tricep area today. Given I am on 1mg of AI twice daily I know it can't be high e2 but I'm thinking about cutting my AI dose in half and see where that takes me. From what research I did acne and low libido can occur when your E2 is getting low as well. I know I haven't crashed my e2 since I don't feel like garbage but I want to see if I can squeek out some better results. I guess the big thing I have to figure out is how long it will take to see results once I start cutting the AI dosage back. If anyone is reading this and knows I would appreciate a response otherwise if I can't find a good answer with some googling I'll make a thread for it.
SHANK <> A big congratulations overall for your success thus far.

I will add my thought about your discontinuing your HCG & AI when traveling. I understand your HCG is a PIA to refrigerate, but your AI pills should be simple enough to tote along. I would think you still have all that T in you that you're trying to stop from aromatizing so maybe bring the pills next go 'round?

As for the 1.5" pin in the quad, no way in hell I'm using 1.5" anywhere but my glutes. I'm 6'2"/230# @20%bf (as per body impedance), and I use 1.5" in my glutes, 1" in my quads/calves, & 5/8" in my delts.

I can't really reply to post #75, but good luck with your current acne/libido dilemma. You might consider the possibility of its cause being hormonal flux since you're pinning T 1x weekly... possibly splitting it to 2x wk might help you by stabilizing your levels?
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Today I did .5mg of AI instead of the usual 1mg. According to the thread I started below I should see the effects of the lowered AI dosage fairly soon but I will probably give it about 6 weeks before making protocol changes again. I do know that switching to doing test injections twice a week might help but i really don't like those IM injections so am doing everything I can to avoid having to do it twice as much.
You have probably heard it before - but why not try subq?

I just recently moved injection site to little pad of fat above the butt and its great. No lump, pain, burn, nothing.

You have probably heard it before - but why not try subq?

I just recently moved injection site to little pad of fat above the butt and its great. No lump, pain, burn, nothing.


Because the place I am with only does IM, unfortunately. I do intend to eventually switch as I am doing subq for HCG and it's not a big deal at all.