Building/Maintaining Muscle Lifting Light Weights....


New member
Sup to all, and happy new year.

The overall question here is whether or not I can maintain my mass, or possibly add mass lifting light weights for the majority of my workouts? And if so, is there any specific regiment or routine I should follow?


My left Infraspinatus has been bothering me for a few months now. I took off a few weeks from training and when I came back I tweaked it during my first back workout. Since then its been getting inflamed during chest(mostly incline presses), back, and shoulder workouts. I don't believe theres a high grade tear but rather bad tendonitis/tendonosis and some microtears. I've been on TRT for 4-5 months now, 200mg every 2 weeks roughly. I've put on some good muscle mass, although I know a lot is water retention. Never the less, I have gone up my lifting weight across the board. I don't use gear though, just test for the moment....I am considering Deca in the future because of the tendon and ligament healing properties.

I have been getting prolotherapy treatments every 4 weeks or so and it was helping but I feel that the shoulder recovery has regressed since the last injection. I think I'm going too heavy and need to revise my workout for a while until my shoulder and r-cuff heal. I also get A.R.T treatments every 1-3 weeks which has really helped a lot in breaking up scar tissue in various areas of my body. I have some nagging injuries which im addressing but the shoulder is a real issue and I want to address and take care of it while I'm still young and before it's too late; I DON'T want surgery.

So with the information I have provided (and if needed I can provide more to help in answering my question properly) can this be accomploshed and is it a good route to take in healing/recovering injured muscles and tendons? I'm knowledgeable enough to know that reducing the load to let the body heal is always a good thing if the body is asking for it but I like to get the input of other guys in the trenches. I prefer less bro-science if possible but I am open to anyone's opinions, so long as they are respectable about it. Of course, there will always be a troll here n' there;

Thanks in advance.
I didn't read all but from what iv read, been told, and experianced is that u need heavy wight to grow. Although I believe that u also need a range of hi volume to get a good pump. The best way to find out is to try somthing for a wile and see if it works for you.
Larry Scott is famous for doing only one or two reps per set. He uses a light weight and each rep takes approximately 60 seconds to complete. You can DEFINITELY grow while using light weight if you use this technique.
not only can you grow from lighter weight.. but i believe you can grow more than you would with heavier weight... i like to mix both..

but this doesn't seem to be an issue with your training.. gaining and maintaining weight is diet related 90% of the time...
Still hurting but slowly healing. Lightened up weight even more (except leg day) and im still putting on pounds. Just increased reps, uses slow negtives, and high volume with different rest periods. Actually still get a good pump and ache like a mofo!

I wanna lift heavy again but thisll do. Also lessened the rom on pushes and pulls to prevent shoulder pain.