New member
Chest, Shoulder's...............7/26/10
Flat Bench 4x8-20(high rep sets were warm ups)
Incline Bench 3x6-10
Pushups w/ Perfect Pushups Apparatis 3xfailure(rotated from netral grip at bottom, to overhand at top)
Rear-Delt Raises 3x10-20
Standing-Dumbell Presses 3x8-10
Seated One-Arm Dumbell Presses 2x6-10
Standing Laterall-Raises 3x10-15
Notes: Thinking about training abs in the evening before bed, because work tends to interupt my workouts alot when least expected, so I like to get 'em done asap. I only trained 2 bodyparts today because I missed to days of training due to this reason. I'll be training the next two days to play catch up.
Question??? Waht type of cardio routine do you guys think I should get on for when I'm done with my supp. cycle? I figured I'd diet by cutting out grain carbs, and do intervals, but I'm not sure how much too do while dieting so I don't go flat on muscle fullness, so should I start with maybe 15 min. intervals, and work up from there depending on results???
Notes: My abck is deff. better while on this stack, and now Iv'e got new vasularity, and striations in my chest that Iv'e never seen before. PLUS!
Flat Bench 4x8-20(high rep sets were warm ups)
Incline Bench 3x6-10
Pushups w/ Perfect Pushups Apparatis 3xfailure(rotated from netral grip at bottom, to overhand at top)
Rear-Delt Raises 3x10-20
Standing-Dumbell Presses 3x8-10
Seated One-Arm Dumbell Presses 2x6-10
Standing Laterall-Raises 3x10-15
Notes: Thinking about training abs in the evening before bed, because work tends to interupt my workouts alot when least expected, so I like to get 'em done asap. I only trained 2 bodyparts today because I missed to days of training due to this reason. I'll be training the next two days to play catch up.
Question??? Waht type of cardio routine do you guys think I should get on for when I'm done with my supp. cycle? I figured I'd diet by cutting out grain carbs, and do intervals, but I'm not sure how much too do while dieting so I don't go flat on muscle fullness, so should I start with maybe 15 min. intervals, and work up from there depending on results???
Notes: My abck is deff. better while on this stack, and now Iv'e got new vasularity, and striations in my chest that Iv'e never seen before. PLUS!