Bulged disc back injury, want to get back to gym.


New member
I sustained a bulge disc playing hockey 2 months ago. The last 2 weeks I've been slowly making it to the gym lifting very light. I don't get to much of a pump cause I do not want to push it. Question is,has anyone sustained a bulge disc back injury and if so how long were you out b4 you started lifting regularly? It sucks and kinda depressing feeling like this especially since I have a shit load of gear in my closet.
I sustained a bulge disc playing hockey 2 months ago. The last 2 weeks I've been slowly making it to the gym lifting very light. I don't get to much of a pump cause I do not want to push it. Question is,has anyone sustained a bulge disc back injury and if so how long were you out b4 you started lifting regularly? It sucks and kinda depressing feeling like this especially since I have a shit load of gear in my closet.

I have bulging discs at L4 and L5 as well as a twisted spine at L6.

Keep it light on compression movements like squats and leg press, do things seated instead of free standing (ex. seated dumbell raises instead of military press). It took me a year of solid lifting before I could go up to 2plates + on squats without crippling myself for 3 days. My case was a little more severe but the key to success is the same slow and steady my friend.
I've gone to a osteopathic physician and he specialized in the chiropractic field and he told me there's nothing he can do for a bulge disc. My doc has referred me to a back physician for his opinion (waiting on a appointment ).Physio didn't do much for me and IMS sucked, painful as hell. I guess I'm just super frustrated cause I want to get back to normal life. My doc told me just give it time, this is the longest stretch I've been without lifting regularly at the gym and its driving me nuts. Also trying not to eat like shit is hard when your not sweating at the gym.
I have bulging discs at L4 and L5 as well as a twisted spine at L6.

Keep it light on compression movements like squats and leg press, do things seated instead of free standing (ex. seated dumbell raises instead of military press). It took me a year of solid lifting before I could go up to 2plates + on squats without crippling myself for 3 days. My case was a little more severe but the key to success is the same slow and steady my friend.

Hey Kazmir, did u cycle at all during that year? I cycle twice a year and in another 2 months is when I start my summer one. Obviously If I feel like the way I do now not going to waste my gear. Man I can't even look at the squat rack without feeling the pain..lol
Hey Kazmir, did u cycle at all during that year? I cycle twice a year and in another 2 months is when I start my summer one. Obviously If I feel like the way I do now not going to waste my gear. Man I can't even look at the squat rack without feeling the pain..lol

I did once I felt my back was able to handle doing moderate squating and handle a bit of compression. When I did cycle I made sure not to over exert myself and concentrated on slow controlled movement rather than how much weight I was putting up.
I know how you feel bro Its amazing how a small issue in your back can make you feel useless and cause so much frustration, just the simple things like putting on your socks is just a friggin nightmare. I have seen 2 different specialists and my issue is not severe enough to operate (thank god) and their response was just keep doing what your doing. Followup xrays and catscans have shown that in the last 2 years with cycling and training my situation has improved 10 fold and my doctor was pretty amazed and the amount of progress I have had in way of range of motion as well as a reduction in pain. I told him I self treated myself since the specialists did not want to help with pain meds or recommend anything, advised him I was cycling and on self perscribed trt as well as using a moderate dose of GH. I got a big speech from him and on record he said that had nothing to do with my recovery.. As I was walking out he gave me a pat on the shoulder and said good job under his breath..
I try inversion it helped me. I have problems with my back a few times a year. I've had ruptured discs and just about every other issue you can imagine. Hanging upside down did wonders that the chiropractor didn't.
I try inversion it helped me. I have problems with my back a few times a year. I've had ruptured discs and just about every other issue you can imagine. Hanging upside down did wonders that the chiropractor didn't.

My brother actually has one of those upside down machines. I used it the last time I was at his place, did feel good, took some time getting used to. My wife thought it was funny to keep me lying there upside down when I was trying to come back up. I had some serious blood rushing to my head, didn't think it was that funny, wanted to smack the bitch when I was right side up..lol
Mine was almost identical to Kazmir. Physical therapy and lots of core work helped me. It happened around a year ago and I still don't do certain exercises such as back squats and dead lifts. But someday I will integrate them back in I suppose. All those resistance band abdominal exercise may seem silly but really do help.
Mine is L4/L5 ..
I've seen many successful stories in getting back to the "before the injury levels"
In my case, I didn't at all from 2 years.
When I squat or dead lift , it's like SAW 5.. A damn scary day.
My brother actually has one of those upside down machines. I used it the last time I was at his place, did feel good, took some time getting used to. My wife thought it was funny to keep me lying there upside down when I was trying to come back up. I had some serious blood rushing to my head, didn't think it was that funny, wanted to smack the bitch when I was right side up..lol

I literally lol at this. My wife does shit like this. One if my best friends bulged 2 discs about a month ago. 3 days he was crippled on 3rd day he went to doc, they gave him pain meds and an anti inflammatory. 2 days later he was back in the gym. I'm not sure if he's back 100% but he basically just worked around it that next week. Good luck with it
Mine is L4/L5 ..
I've seen many successful stories in getting back to the "before the injury levels"
In my case, I didn't at all from 2 years.
When I squat or dead lift , it's like SAW 5.. A damn scary day.

That's were my disc bulge is as well, L4-L5. My doc said it's a very common injury, sure is painful though. Hoping to add some weight at the gym next week.
I have felt with a very similar injury for almost a decade now. Don't rush anything. Don't go to heavy. The best thing for me is to keep my lower back strong and full of muscle, which does not require super heavy weights. Just use moderate weight for reps with perfect-AND I MEAN PERFECT-form. Be careful.
I've gone to a osteopathic physician and he specialized in the chiropractic field and he told me there's nothing he can do for a bulge disc. My doc has referred me to a back physician for his opinion (waiting on a appointment ).Physio didn't do much for me and IMS sucked, painful as hell. I guess I'm just super frustrated cause I want to get back to normal life. My doc told me just give it time, this is the longest stretch I've been without lifting regularly at the gym and its driving me nuts. Also trying not to eat like shit is hard when your not sweating at the gym.
same story here... more buldges and now they say i havea form (rheumatoid) of arthritis in the area... gotta deal with it and be extra careful when lifting.... but now atleast i have legal canna to help me :- )

Still in alot of pain every day though.... :' -(
Legal canna is king. Your sleep can easily be affected by these things and sleep is king so if your not getting enough you won't get better