**bulkin up, but tryin to get firm too.. dbol10mg's, deca?**


New member
1600mg of deca, 100/10mg pills dbol, what should i do?

whats up everybody, i recently bought 1600mg of liquid deca, and 100 pills of 10mg dbol, how shoud i use them to maximize strength gains??? and i tore my rotator cuff and tore my bicep abnout 2 months ago, will this shit help?? help me out fellas, its only my 2nd cycle ever
im 5'11'', 265, play dline,

i have:
-1600mg deca
-100 tablets dbol 10mg
-glutamine tablet

i cant figure out whether to take 60 mg's dbol a day with 10 mgs of deca a week to start out then gradually go up with the deca
25 mg's dbol a day and up the dose of deca to 20 a week
m tryin to get stonger, and bigger
what do you guys think?
What is yout cycle history and age bro ??

You seem to be really confused about Deca......200 mg/week a week is not going to do shit for you....let alone 20 mg like you are talking about.
StoneColdNTO said:
What is yout cycle history and age bro ??

You seem to be really confused about Deca......200 mg/week a week is not going to do shit for you....let alone 20 mg like you are talking about.

And I dont think you need to take 60mg dbol...if a first cycle especially...even at that 35-40 would do most..imo
im 20 years old...
- i did a cycle of propanate and halotesten 10mg pills 150 of them, this was my first appropriate cycle
-before that i just took these blue Winstrol (winny) pills, 2 or three a day , they were 50 mg's a piece though
thats all i have really done so far, i had the most gain with the prop and halotesten cycle
1600mg of deca isnt enough for anything. Typical dose is usually around 400mg a week, which makes a 4 week supply, but since it usually takes about 3 weeks to feel its not worth running
fatboy said:
what about if i get 2400 mg's...
and how should i take the dbol with it??...

In all honesty bro........I really think you need to educate yourself more before actually planning a cycle and buying more juice.
thats why im askin you guys for help... my buddy that gets it for me s told me a few things, i just wanna see if you guys could help me out, i allready have the 100 tabs of dbol, and the 1600mg deca...
what should i do to get the best out of it?
fatboy said:
thats why im askin you guys for help... my buddy that gets it for me s told me a few things, i just wanna see if you guys could help me out, i allready have the 100 tabs of dbol, and the 1600mg deca...
what should i do to get the best out of it?

Yes....but it is apparent from your other thread (where you ask about doing 10 mg of Deca a week) that you have no idea what you are putting in your body !!

You need to read up on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) profiles to gain a little understanding what you are doing.

Do you know anything about preventing gyno from a cycle like what you are talking about ??

Do you know anything about post-cycle recovery ??? You have mentioned nothing about that in any of your posts, did you even do one after your Halo & Test first cycle ??
dude, what i meant was i was gonna take 10mg'tablets of dbol, 3-6 tablets per day, nah man i just gradually blended the prop with the halotest and finished off with larger doses of it.... i got stronger no doubt though
fatboy said:
thats why im askin you guys for help... my buddy that gets it for me s told me a few things, i just wanna see if you guys could help me out, i allready have the 100 tabs of dbol, and the 1600mg deca...
what should i do to get the best out of it?

Well, a golden rule is not to listen too much on "buddies" or "a guy at my gym". Because the probability that they dont know shit is pretty big.

Looking at your post i see you need some more research. The consensous on this board is 500mg testo for 8-10 weeks for a first timer which i consider you to be.
If you insist using Deca and D-bol I would go for this cycle.

400mg Deca Week 1-10
30mg D-bol Week 1-2
20mg D-bol Week 3-4

But thats not a cycle I recommend, this because it consists of two compounds which I consider shitty. (I know most will argue that d-bol kick ass, but i disagree).

Anyway, do more research and dont rush into things you dont know anything about
fatboy said:
dude, what i meant was i was gonna take 10mg'tablets of dbol, 3-6 tablets per day, nah man i just gradually blended the prop with the halotest and finished off with larger doses of it.... i got stronger no doubt though

I have "merged" your two threads together....in case you forgot what you said in the other thread about the 10 mg a week of Deca....just have a look above in this thread, it's looks pretty clear to me.

Regardless....I stand by my original statement that you need to get way more educated about AAS.
you need to look into getting some Nolvadex ond some Clomid for when you come off the cycle. I would reccommend running the Deca 8-10 weeks @ 400mg/week, so you will need to get more Deca. I would also consider running a little Test with the cycle. Maybe 500mg/week of Ent or Cyp. As for the Dbol, I would reccommend 25-30mg/day.

Anyone have suggestion on when to run the Dbol? I personally never used it so I don't have a lot to say about it.
stone cold... sorry man
it was a typo, i meant to say 100 mgs of deca, butthats till not enough, and you are right, i wasnt sure about the doses for deca... thanks for the help
I agree with kim the swede there on what you should run, i you get enough deca to run it that way then its a decent cycle. But like stone cold said, I would really take the time to research this stuff pretty thoroughly, especially the post cycle therapy