Bulking Advice


New member
My stats:
21 years old
5' 8.5"
185 lbs
Not sure about my body fat (not over 15%)

Been training for 5 years; I am in very good shape. I started following "The Sample Diet" in the "Bulking Primer" thread about a month ago (only difference is PWO I take a scoop of cell mass and 2 scoops of whey). I put on a solid 10 lbs, even though the diet doesn't correspond to my unique stats.

So what I am looking for is suggestions on what I need to add to the sample diet so it fits my stats and enables me to gain even more.

My BMR is 1940. Assuming I am very active, my calorie intake needs to be 3847 a day according to the formula found in the Bulkers Primer tread.

Thanks for the help guys!
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a misconception about bulking is eating everything in sight and lifting a lot.

what you want to do is dividing your meals into small, yet various ones. typically, it's 5-6 meals a day or more for some. never ever...ever ever ever...replace whole food with supplements alone. do them both instead

now, what you want to do is to bulk slowly. for instance, you're 185 now then after a month of bulking, you're suddenly 200 pounds. that's easy to do...if you just want fat.

sure, you will get strong. i won't lie about that, but then, shedding your fats will be a pain and seeing how you have now out ratio-ed your muscles with fat by a huge margin, you will loose more quality muscles before fat because you went too fast with your bulk.

so now you're 185 then you bench 200. reached up until 250 then get stuck. throw in another meal and see if that works.

long story short: you must not gain body pounds faster than your lifting pounds.
go to my free diet advice thread in this section and read everything in post 1 if you want me to critique..

or you can also become a client of mine and let me build and worry about your diet..
Thanks for the quick responses guys. Angrymuscles I completely agree I have been eating various meals a day. I just wanted to know if I should be eating more than I currently am. I started my first cycle of test c this Monday and I want to make the most gains possible.

3J I will post a thread tomo I look forward to hearing from you - you have a great reputation.
What would you do. (last question about shoes, promise)?

are there any safer methods to pay for products online. I recently ordered a pair of sandals being sold at great discount but when I checked a week later my credit card account showed a bill of $200 where as I had only bought the shoes for $20. Is there a safer way of shopping?