Bulking diet without moonface

Redraider said:
Any idea of calorie/protein/carb/ intake ?

18% B.f

I really would like to get this bodyfat down, however i really want to get strong and from what i have researched it is virtually impossible to bulk/cut. Should I continue to bulk and then drastically cut ? Too much more bulk and I might turn to jerry from Subway, Fuck that GUY!

bro, 18% is fat...its fat ALOT.... im 10% and i wanna go down to 8 till june/first week of july. ur few inches taller than me but im heavier(85kgs-188lbs).
Redraider said:
hey i appreciate that advice starkraven. On the modeling issue i havent actually done any with my shirt off in a while, lol. Since highscool 2 yrs. ago. I figure my fat % is up so high because i drink so much beer being a college student. lol. At that my diet is hard to keep up with always being on the go. I really dont eat dirty but its not uncommon to have a post workout beer and protein shake before bed. But yall vets dont worry im not on gear and dont plan to hit the gear untill i get super serious about the gym and less concerned with boozin'. I appreciate all the posts on this topic.

you shouldnt be drinking like that even naturally. you should already be super serious. just because you arent on gear doesnt necessarily give you the right to slack off and not do the things you should be doing while on. its even more important to pay close attention to diet/training when clean.
Redraider said:
Any idea of calorie/protein/carb/ intake ?

18% B.f

I really would like to get this bodyfat down, however i really want to get strong and from what i have researched it is virtually impossible to bulk/cut. Should I continue to bulk and then drastically cut ? Too much more bulk and I might turn to jerry from Subway, Fuck that GUY!

I would bulk if I were you man. If your 170 5 10 18% there should be no reason to bulk up and keep the same fat % with a clean bulk diet. I slice fat when I take d-bol and test people say that fat always comes a long with bulking not for me. You could also grab yourself some letro or aro to shed the water off.
Dlove said:
I would bulk if I were you man. If your 170 5 10 18% there should be no reason to bulk up and keep the same fat % with a clean bulk diet. I slice fat when I take d-bol and test people say that fat always comes a long with bulking not for me. You could also grab yourself some letro or aro to shed the water off.

So your saying to clean bulk ? I was confused because you said there was no reason to keep that bf % but ultimatelly bulking is going to do that.
Bulking doesn't always have to mean a raise in BF%. I actually lower mine when Im on. It's just all threw the foods. Im not one for the eat everything and anything diet. That to me is silly. I like bulking on clean foods oatmeal eggs whey shakes. tuna, lean groundbeef, rice, yams, chicken etc. Also if you throw some cardio at a moderate pace in on off days you will keep that BF% down. Ex. Im 6 3 242 15%BF after my 12 week cycle that Im startin in a few weeks, test/deca I hope to be 260 13%BF.
theres a difference. you dont have to bulk. i quit that since i started fat. i begun doing it the dirty way and got fat. now i eat DIET FOOD but with more calories. a typical meal for me is a straight plan chicken breast or lean steak with 1 cup old fashioned oats. for breakfast i will have like 3 whole eggs and 3-7 whites. and repeat these meals and i look bigger and fuller already at the same bodyfat. to ensure you keep the fat off, do cardio 3 times a week on off-training days. just listen to your body. i need to add muscle but dont want to add fat. the key is a clean diet with some cardio but still need to eat 6-7 times a day with plenty of complex carbohydrates.

just like dlove stated, clean foods. and cardio on off-days. he beat me to it.
I missed in there where it said your not on gear my bad. I quess I can see where if your modeling you gotta be real careful in the face since they like that chiseled jaw look. Theres really no-way to bulk with out that extra bit comin in the face due ti the amount of sodium comin in. However you could put some quality lean mass on. Just keep protein high some low reps in the gym but hit cardio off days and look at everthin you eat. Make sure sodium is low tuna no no etc..
thats exactly what i do since i also care about looking chiseled in the face. im done with bulking and too small to cut so im gaining lean mass this way. just focus on increasing the pundage every workout or every other workout, get plenty of rest. i only train 3 times/week.
Starkraven said:
thats exactly what i do since i also care about looking chiseled in the face. im done with bulking and too small to cut so im gaining lean mass this way. just focus on increasing the pundage every workout or every other workout, get plenty of rest. i only train 3 times/week.

Yeah I only train 3 x per week now as well. Power routine on this board it's pretty good. I also gotta be real careful especially when taking test my face ends up blowing up like a ballon. So I just bulk with clean foods. The way I see it if I got as fat as I possibly could then cut would I really have that much mass and is it worth the toll it's taking on my insides. I fiqured no, and don't wish to prove myself otherwise. I also can see increases in poundage while doing a 3 day versus 5 or 6 days.
yeah im clean right now and plan to be for a while. i train like a powerlifter too, like pullinbig's routine, just modified to my preferences, like i use dumbells for chest and elbows out wide grip for weighted dips, etc. i only do squats for quads, deadlifts hit my back and hams good.