BULKING IS BAD? Good Article!


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Just read it before you respond. Let me know your guys opinion on this!

Kind of made me rethink my approach, but maybe I shouldnt? He has some, what seem like "good points" and it does make sense!
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I kind of skimmed the article to be honest. But it seems the guy that wrote it is basing it on a big assumption...that when someone says "bulk" they mean eat any and everything in sight. Most people I know that bulk/cut simply increase calories above/below maintenance by 250-500 until they see the scales moving or a change in the mirror. And they just use bulk/cut as a short form of eatting more or less.

Otherwise I do agree that when trying to bulk eating any and everything in sight is silly.

When was this article written? I feel like it is an older one. Going by the copywrite at the bottom I would say '06 and that seems about right. In '06 I was just getting into lifting seriously and I saw the "eat everything in sight attitude" I haven't really seen it recently though.
I kind of skimmed the article to be honest. But it seems the guy that wrote it is basing it on a big assumption...that when someone says "bulk" they mean eat any and everything in sight. Most people I know that bulk/cut simply increase calories above/below maintenance by 250-500 until they see the scales moving or a change in the mirror. And they just use bulk/cut as a short form of eatting more or less.

Otherwise I do agree that when trying to bulk eating any and everything in sight is silly.

When was this article written? I feel like it is an older one. Going by the copywrite at the bottom I would say '06 and that seems about right. In '06 I was just getting into lifting seriously and I saw the "eat everything in sight attitude" I haven't really seen it recently though.

I know what you mean. I kinda think he means also, that when we bulk, regardless if its "good food" or bad, eating say 500-1000 cals over maintanenve may not be beneficial...:scratchhe