Bulking up with 5000 cals but also training in mma


New member
Hey all I was wondering what I could do here, I am currently 225 bulking with 5000 cals. But im starting mma training so there will be some high intensity cardio maybe an hour a night but off and on. So do you just add more cals? Or what exactly could I do. currently on 700 mg test, 20 mg dbol and 300 mg eq.
Thanks for all the help.
Yah... I am looking for a good mma workout split so i just wanted to know which type of diet i have to taken daily..Thanks a lot for sharing this...thanks.

mma training
Just eat until your full whenever your hungry and eat shit high in protein. Pretty simple, no point in force feeding yourself and becoming lethargic.
ok.. before u did mma.. what did ur workout routine look like

what are your stats?
Yeah.. I have observe this When i was cal that were not reachable but now I'll try again and again and finally got the response from there.

mma training