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OK here's the deal i am i guess you could say bulking right now, but wondering if i can do it a bit different then normal! i like to do bulking cycles over the summer i know that's probably ass backwards from most but i just like adding size over summer! after looking at some pics from last summers vacation i wouldn't mind bulking a little leaner if possible! i was thinking if i was to cut out my carbs besides post workout and do more of a high calorie ckd type of diet, would that work? i just get a little bloated you could say and I'm sure diet has something to do with it! i don't eat bad foods but normally i do get a shit load of carbs during bulking. anyway if i was to keep workout, cycle, calories, etc the same and just cut carbs out, would that work or would i just start loosing muscle? again i will make sure calories stay high, i would just switch out the carbs each meal for a few whole eggs or something! thanks for the help and i hope its not a stupid question but i just never tried doing it like this before.