bulking without carbs?


New member
OK here's the deal i am i guess you could say bulking right now, but wondering if i can do it a bit different then normal! i like to do bulking cycles over the summer i know that's probably ass backwards from most but i just like adding size over summer! after looking at some pics from last summers vacation i wouldn't mind bulking a little leaner if possible! i was thinking if i was to cut out my carbs besides post workout and do more of a high calorie ckd type of diet, would that work? i just get a little bloated you could say and I'm sure diet has something to do with it! i don't eat bad foods but normally i do get a shit load of carbs during bulking. anyway if i was to keep workout, cycle, calories, etc the same and just cut carbs out, would that work or would i just start loosing muscle? again i will make sure calories stay high, i would just switch out the carbs each meal for a few whole eggs or something! thanks for the help and i hope its not a stupid question but i just never tried doing it like this before.
Will you be doing this naturally? Gaining muscle mass and getting leaner don't go well together for an experienced lifter natural. At least, that's what I hear.
Carbs play an important role in muscle building, they are needed for your body to become anabolic. Without them i dont kow how you could possibly build muscle.
thanks for the replies, i will be on cycle. i also did a little more thinking about the subject and what if i just focused just about all my carb intake around my workout and the rest of the day do the protein/fat diet, what kinda difference would that make? thanks again everyone!
thanks for the replies, i will be on cycle. i also did a little more thinking about the subject and what if i just focused just about all my carb intake around my workout and the rest of the day do the protein/fat diet, what kinda difference would that make? thanks again everyone!

Thats a good way to eat all the time no matter what youre doing. Youll get lean and put on muscle at the same time. Have some carbs for breakfast too if you work out later in the day. Building muscle and dropping fat at the same time isnt that hard when youre on gear. its all about meal timing.
Why not just eat carbs throughout the day and do some cardio or sprint work or swimming etc etc to stay lean. Cardio isn't just good for your appearance, its good for your heart. Being on gear isn't the time to let your cardiovascular health go to shit.
i will be doing cardio for like 20-30 minutes following each workout. again i just wana see if there is a better way of eating to keep a little more lean then the normal bulk. don't get me wrong i am the last guy that worries about looking like a swimsuit model but if i can still bulk and add the size i want while staying a little more lean then normal and keeping bloat down, that's what i am looking for! after doing some more reading i think it may not be a good idea to lose carbs all together, i don't wana slow my gains up at all! i most likely will do as you bros stated above and get my carbs around my workout. now if i am doing my workout first thing in the AM, should that first meal (pre-workout) be no carbs? i know some say you will burn more fat that way because your body will have no carbs to use as energy after sleeping all night. so i would get just about all carbs within the two meals following my workout and in my post workout drink. thanks for all the help everyone, just wana make sure i do it 110% if i am going to do it!
i will be doing cardio for like 20-30 minutes following each workout. again i just wana see if there is a better way of eating to keep a little more lean then the normal bulk. don't get me wrong i am the last guy that worries about looking like a swimsuit model but if i can still bulk and add the size i want while staying a little more lean then normal and keeping bloat down, that's what i am looking for! after doing some more reading i think it may not be a good idea to lose carbs all together, i don't wana slow my gains up at all! i most likely will do as you bros stated above and get my carbs around my workout. now if i am doing my workout first thing in the AM, should that first meal (pre-workout) be no carbs? i know some say you will burn more fat that way because your body will have no carbs to use as energy after sleeping all night. so i would get just about all carbs within the two meals following my workout and in my post workout drink. thanks for all the help everyone, just wana make sure i do it 110% if i am going to do it!

No, eating carbs before a workout is beneficial so that you have energy during the workout. Not eating before a workout isn't conducive to gaining size, which is your goal. There is a fundamental difference between empty stomach cardio and what you're trying to accomplish with the weights.