Burn fat and build muscle


New member
Hi I'm new here. I would like to know the best way to burn fat and gain muscle quickly. I have been looking for clen and win. I don't I guess I am asking what would be the best stuff to take:scratchhe
Really depends on your current physical stats, if you are over 15% Bf, those may not do anything for you.... You are going to have to diet strictly and do cardio as well as strength training.
Get your diet in order & eat clean. High protien, mod carb, low fat. 5-6 small meals a day, highest carb meal post weight training. do your cardio on an empty belly 1st thing in the am. There is no magic pill or shot that subs hard work & dedication ok...Clen is bullshit & is for athletes in the single bf digits that wont eat clean enough or put the treadmill time in to get thier glutes peeled..
OK, on the same page... I have been constantly in shape for over 9 years, and worked out religiously over these nine years. I have never had real definition though. I was injuried last year and have been recovering since. I could not do any cardio this past year so I have gained a lot of weight in my midsection and butt and hips. I am slowly getting back into cardio now, but I am wanting to find the right mix to help boost all this into shape. Plus i want a lot more definition. I am 5'11", 225-230. I eat healthy, low carbs, not a lot of red meat. mostly chicken and fish, veggies, some rice, some potatos, and lots of water. How the hell do I get RIPPED??? Please help. I have never done any steriods, but i am seriously considering. I hear winni is good, and clen. but now online i hear different, depending on who you talk to? can anyone help? Thanks
For losing fats and gaining muscles you have to keep follow your regular diet and also you need to do plenty of workouts regularly..
cheap supplements
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Test will make him retain water and he already said he has a problem getting any definition. I would train hard and keep myself on a strict diet, such as weighing out your foods to know what your daily caloric intake is and the desired weight you wanna be. you can go to ast-ss.com and they will help you find a decent amount of calories to take for your needs. You still have to train hard when you take any type of steroid, so it is probably good to get yourself on a good training and diet regimine before considering taking any gear.
It's pretty simple, just eat high protien/ low to med carbs, and just stay away from sugars.

If you stay away from sugar whether its from milk or juice or anything you will be set.
I hear everyday how people claim thier diet is on point.... Most dont really know how to eat, or they outright lie about it. Thats the truth. I have these foods: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal. Broccoli, onions, asparagus, chicken, lean beef, tuna, tilapia, whiting, salmon, buffalo, or ostrich. Here in Az I have been known to shoot a rattlesnake & eat that sumbitch also........Plants are what foods eats. Plants just help to make a turd...Time your meals to every 3 hrs...
I hear everyday how people claim thier diet is on point.... Most dont really know how to eat, or they outright lie about it. Thats the truth. I have these foods: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal. Broccoli, onions, asparagus, chicken, lean beef, tuna, tilapia, whiting, salmon, buffalo, or ostrich. Here in Az I have been known to shoot a rattlesnake & eat that sumbitch also........Plants are what foods eats. Plants just help to make a turd...Time your meals to every 3 hrs...

Are you in the super lightweight division?

what you said has nothing to do with my question, just quoted to direct it at you. ;)
If your going to go with gear I'd say go with something like Anavar or Winstrol (winny) with some Test.

Either way your going to have to work out hard.