Bursa damage/1.5" in delt


New member
Pharmacy only had 1.5" 25 ga rigs. Shooting .75 tren enan and 1 ml mast in the delt. Rather then shortening the needle gaurd I decided to just not go all the way in. Absently, I got to talking to the wife and buried the whole 1.5". While inserting, I actually hit a nerve and backed out a little bit, but during the shot I wandered all the way in.

That was two weeks ago. Two days later it was painful like QV test, nothing alarming. The pain has gotten continually worse and is beginning to significantly hinder movement.

I do not think it's an abscess and I used good practice to keep sterile bottles, gear, rigs, site. I'm quite sure it's that nerve but I'm concerned about the bursa, that I may have injected into it.

Thanks to that ACA, it's weeks to see a doctor out here and my insurance has new deductibles that are crippling financially. I'm not going to spend two grand on this without looking under a few rocks first.

Has anyone heard of damage to the bursa or rotator cuff from IM? Has anyone had pain from an injection last for several weeks but ultimately subside?

Thank you,
While we can't rule it out, hitting the bursa is actually relatively difficult to do. I'd go with the fact that you hit a nerve, which always tends to make things painful for awhile. I've had a ventroglute and quad inject go bad by hitting a nerve, causing them to be painful for a solid week and a half.

Ride it out, don't rub it/massage it, and take ibuprofen if it becomes difficult to sleep. If you start to notice a lump, or develop a fever - then I'd seek medical assistance for that nasty B12 shot gone wrong. ;)

My .02c :)
While we can't rule it out, hitting the bursa is actually relatively difficult to do. I'd go with the fact that you hit a nerve, which always tends to make things painful for awhile. I've had a ventroglute and quad inject go bad by hitting a nerve, causing them to be painful for a solid week and a half.

Ride it out, don't rub it/massage it, and take ibuprofen if it becomes difficult to sleep. If you start to notice a lump, or develop a fever - then I'd seek medical assistance for that nasty B12 shot gone wrong. ;)

My .02c :)

Ibuprofen and rest bro, after 2 weeks of no improvements it's time to see a doc.
Im going through paiN right now im lazy since i have a girlfriend i let her pinn me... must have hit a bad spot in delt its been hurting 2 days feels like oil leaked out it doesnt happen often but it is pretty painful
Thank you guys. I think I'm ok to go ahead and work through the pain on this one then, in the gym I mean. Seems like this sort of injury would not really require me to take it easy, unless I were really trying to make the discomfort subside. I don't mind the pain if I'm not breaking anything. Does that sound reasonable, or should I be giving it a break and letting it heal?
Thank you guys. I think I'm ok to go ahead and work through the pain on this one then, in the gym I mean. Seems like this sort of injury would not really require me to take it easy, unless I were really trying to make the discomfort subside. I don't mind the pain if I'm not breaking anything. Does that sound reasonable, or should I be giving it a break and letting it heal?

What i did yesterday was take some naproxen 500and something mgs my girlfriend had and massaged the muscle and iced it for like 15min try that but if your not sick or showing other symptoms you can try i cant say for sure but i think your ok
Thank you guys. I think I'm ok to go ahead and work through the pain on this one then, in the gym I mean. Seems like this sort of injury would not really require me to take it easy, unless I were really trying to make the discomfort subside. I don't mind the pain if I'm not breaking anything. Does that sound reasonable, or should I be giving it a break and letting it heal?

If it hurts, you don't train it. Simple as that. :)
If it hurts, you don't train it. Simple as that. :)

Thanks halfwit. Unfortunately, I do believe your right. Bummer is that this isn't showing any signs of healing and it's involved in everything I do with upper body. Right off the skip on my tren cycle too. I'm going to have 32" quads and 12" biceps if this keeps up.