Killing Shit
Ok had so much fun with my first log, I'm going to run another one. I'm going to do a bulk, even though I should diet down another 15 lbs, but Fuck it, it's my cycle
My workout will consist of two on one off.
Day one chest/bis
Day two quads/calves
Day three off
Day four delts/traps/hamstrings
Day five back/triceps
Day six off
This workout is subject to change. Diet will be tons of protein, moderate fats, moderate carbs. Not keeping up with macros, because at the age of 40, I've realized I'm to fat for a bodybuilder, and too weak for a powerlifter. I'm sitting at 232, going to get to 250's. This will be my umpteenth cycle, so my dosages will not be noted. I will say though: test, deca, and TNE are the compounds I'll be utilizing. Giving a MAD SHOUT out to Schredder and AML for their customer support....ALL gear will be from AML. I've been cruising at 300 test 300 deca, but come Monday August 17th, that will change. SOOO hold on to your nuts, this is about to get wild!!!!!

Day one chest/bis
Day two quads/calves
Day three off
Day four delts/traps/hamstrings
Day five back/triceps
Day six off
This workout is subject to change. Diet will be tons of protein, moderate fats, moderate carbs. Not keeping up with macros, because at the age of 40, I've realized I'm to fat for a bodybuilder, and too weak for a powerlifter. I'm sitting at 232, going to get to 250's. This will be my umpteenth cycle, so my dosages will not be noted. I will say though: test, deca, and TNE are the compounds I'll be utilizing. Giving a MAD SHOUT out to Schredder and AML for their customer support....ALL gear will be from AML. I've been cruising at 300 test 300 deca, but come Monday August 17th, that will change. SOOO hold on to your nuts, this is about to get wild!!!!!