Buzzbaits journal with AML


Killing Shit
Ok had so much fun with my first log, I'm going to run another one. I'm going to do a bulk, even though I should diet down another 15 lbs, but Fuck it, it's my cycle:) My workout will consist of two on one off.
Day one chest/bis
Day two quads/calves
Day three off
Day four delts/traps/hamstrings
Day five back/triceps
Day six off
This workout is subject to change. Diet will be tons of protein, moderate fats, moderate carbs. Not keeping up with macros, because at the age of 40, I've realized I'm to fat for a bodybuilder, and too weak for a powerlifter. I'm sitting at 232, going to get to 250's. This will be my umpteenth cycle, so my dosages will not be noted. I will say though: test, deca, and TNE are the compounds I'll be utilizing. Giving a MAD SHOUT out to Schredder and AML for their customer support....ALL gear will be from AML. I've been cruising at 300 test 300 deca, but come Monday August 17th, that will change. SOOO hold on to your nuts, this is about to get wild!!!!!
Ok going to start my blast tomorrow, that TNE from AML is calling my name at night. Lmao!!! Here is my last WO cruising. Just got back from Mexico, so hadn't really killed shit in about 11 days, but strength was still not to bad. Really concentrating on moving the muscle, NOT the weight. This mind in muscle shit really works. As last workout journal, you'll notice I'm pretty old school simple, but I'll throw so fancy shit in there every once in a while.

Smith Military press
225 for 9
245 for 6
275 for 3
225 for 11 not sure where the fuck those last two came from

DB Press
90 for 11
95 for 8
90 for 9
Surprised I still had good strength left on these lifts

DB laterals
30 for 8 dropped to 20 for 8
25 for 9 dropped to 15 for 6

DB fronts
25 for 9 dropped to 15 for 6
20 for 12?? Dropped to 10 for 8???

Reverse Peck deck
120 for 13
120 for 8

DB Shrugs
110 for 12
110 for 12
110 for 9

Smith Military Shrugs
225 for 15 constant tension
""" for 13
""" for 14

Leg curls
144 for 5
132 for 6
132 for 6
132 for 6
120 for 6
120 for 6

That's a wrap, tomorrow the blast begins, along with back and tris
Ok hit my two pin blast today with all AML gear, then bout 45 min prior to WO, hit a CC of TNE!!!! Damn!!!!! Joints feel terrible though, almost like my E2 is low (can't be, had bloods couple weeks ago and it was good and haven't taken AI since) BUT anyway sore elbows, shoulders, neck, and lower back, went ahead and killed some shit. Took me a hydro after WO, feeling tons better:)

Barbell Rows
225 for 10 (hold squeeze)
245 for 7
245 for 7
225 for 9

DB Rows
110 for 9
110 for 9
110 for 7 (fuck spent)

Wide Cable Grip Pulls
96 and top plate for 11 (slow tried to take as much biceps out as possible)
96 for 10
96 for 10

Close Supinated Cable Pulls
96 and top plate for 8 are you fucking burning serious??
96 """ for 8
96""" for 9 last two half reps

Barbell Close Grip (there was a douche on the smith machine talking on the phone, fuck me really??)
225 for 10 (fuck just realized my shoulders and elbows ache bad as shit)
275 for 4
275 for 4 last one struggled

DB Behind Neck
110 for 10
110 heaviest DB gym has, going to do some pauses for 8
110 """" for 9

Straight bar cabe press
225 for 8 dropped to rope 65 for 12
225 for 6 """ for 10

Single Supinated Cable Press
45 for 15
45 for 12

At least one if not two days rest. Then Chest and biceps
Lol, brother, theres a girl at my gym that has an ear piece in all the time and talks on the phone, DURING sets even. I feel your pain in witnessing that :)

Nice workout though!!!
Ok switching back to my semi altered workout. Two body parts a week. 3 on 1 off. First time I hit a body part during the week will be my heavier lifts. Second time I hit body parts during same week will be more reps lighter weight.
Day one chest/moderate delts/ biceps
Day two legs
Day three back/moderate delts/triceps

Heavy Chest/Biceps/some Delts
Barbell Bench
315 for 4?? I think
295 for 4 haven't benched in forever
275 for 6 fuck my big ass has gotten weak on flat

Smith Incline
275 for 4 slow
255 for 6
255 for 5

DB Press
110 for 6
100 for 8
100 for 7

DB laterals
30 for 8
30 for 8
30 for 8

Delt Fronts
45 plate for 9
45 plate for 9?? I think
45 plate for 9

EZ Bar Curls
35 ES for 5
35 ES for 5
35 ES for 6
25 ES for 9

DB Curls
40 for 7
35 for 8
30 for 10
That's a wrap, heavy legs tomorrow