C-Bino's Gyno Reversal, Yah or Nay?

THe First documented person to reverse Gyno was a legend in these parts. He was responsible for bring about the whole research Chemical industry. The Lion made Letro and post cycle therapy (pct) available to the public. Every protocol you find is just an off shoot of the work Lion did in 2003. The truth is a regular dose of letro will do the job. just take it till the gyno is gone. Then transition to nolva thru the estrogen rebound period.

Lion found letro would reverse gyno years old and gyno left over from puberty.
In the words of the great Samuel Jackson "ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT"..... LOL, This is so far above my head, I'm spinning. Lot's to learn for me.
THe First documented person to reverse Gyno was a legend in these parts. He was responsible for bring about the whole research Chemical industry. The Lion made Letro and post cycle therapy (pct) available to the public. Every protocol you find is just an off shoot of the work Lion did in 2003. The truth is a regular dose of letro will do the job. just take it till the gyno is gone. Then transition to nolva thru the estrogen rebound period.

Lion found letro would reverse gyno years old and gyno left over from puberty.

This is true. Now you've got me in two minds. I'm not sure whether to go with the Letro or Ralox.

If we're talking about the same Lion, today, he highly recommends Ralox over letro.

That's interesting man. So is Ralox more effective than Letro at gyno reversal in your opinion? Which is the better for you in terms of health, and estrogen rebound etc?
Ralox is superior. Letro is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), use it as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), although it's not my first choice for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Just because something works doesn't make it ideal, especially if you're not on cycle and your estrogen is back to normal. You will be miserable on Letro.

We've advanced. What worked 10 years ago is not what we need to be doing today. Time to move away from Letro as a gyno reversing drug.
This is very interesting, I want to try it after my cycle. My gyno from puberty is very mild, but still I want it gone, I doubt it will work, but worth a try I guess.
If we're talking about the same Lion, today, he highly recommends Ralox over letro.

THe real lion retired years ago and is living somewhere on an Island. Anyone claiming a protocol in his name is merely an impostor. The Lion was a friend and has been greatly missed in these parts for the last 6 years. As I have no experience with Ralox I can't comment. I did use the leto to my benefit.
THe real lion retired years ago and is living somewhere on an Island. Anyone claiming a protocol in his name is merely an impostor. The Lion was a friend and has been greatly missed in these parts for the last 6 years. As I have no experience with Ralox I can't comment. I did use the leto to my benefit.

Ok. Different Lion. Lion I refer to is his actual name, not a nickname. Owns a chem site hence the confusion.
Ok. Different Lion. Lion I refer to is his actual name, not a nickname. Owns a chem site hence the confusion.

So Ralox primary purpose is basically meant and used to treat gyno, whereas Letro primary purpose is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but can also be used to treat gyno? I might have to use some Ralox. I'm starting a cycle in the next month. If I was to use the Ralox I'm not sure whether to use it before, during or after my upcoming cycle. All I know is I really want to get rid of this small lump. It's no bigger than a two dollar coin, probably smaller.
You've had success with letro using the similar protocol stated?

THe real lion retired years ago and is living somewhere on an Island. Anyone claiming a protocol in his name is merely an impostor. The Lion was a friend and has been greatly missed in these parts for the last 6 years. As I have no experience with Ralox I can't comment. I did use the leto to my benefit.
Estrogen is important and while too much can obviously be detrimental, so can too little.
Why crush estrogen with letro when you could block the effects at the receptor with raloxifene and manage estrogen with an AI..like say arimidex or exemestane? I touched on this a bit here: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...en-cycle-good-bad-proper-management-both.html
Dont get me wrong letro can and does have its place and it will work to address gyno. The thing is it does so by decimating estrogen to virtually non existent levels - not worth it to me.
Ok. Different Lion. Lion I refer to is his actual name, not a nickname. Owns a chem site hence the confusion.

He is an impostor. You Lion in an employee of the Company who bought that Business from the THe Legend. You young still in these parts hence the confusion...LOL. RUI makes great products and has great service.
Estrogen is important and while too much can obviously be detrimental, so can too little.
Why crush estrogen with letro when you could block the effects at the receptor with raloxifene and manage estrogen with an AI..like say arimidex or exemestane? I touched on this a bit here: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...en-cycle-good-bad-proper-management-both.html
Dont get me wrong letro can and does have its place and it will work to address gyno. The thing is it does so by decimating estrogen to virtually non existent levels - not worth it to me.

Nice link Jimi but who wrote the article you posted It has to be linked and sited or I have to delete it.

You say this now if you were the one with TITs you might think otherwise.
Nice link Jimi but who wrote the article you posted It has to be linked and sited or I have to delete it.

You say this now if you were the one with TITs you might think otherwise.

I wrote it !
There is more than one way to skin a cat , ill be the first to admit it. I personally used ralxifene (started with tamox then switched) So i know the drill. Again many diff paths to the same destination!
So Jimi-

You had success with diminishing your gyno with raloxifene alone? 60-80mg/day, for how long?

I wrote it !
There is more than one way to skin a cat , ill be the first to admit it. I personally used ralxifene (started with tamox then switched) So i know the drill. Again many diff paths to the same destination!
So Jimi-

You had success with diminishing your gyno with raloxifene alone? 60-80mg/day, for how long?

took for 2 months but after 3 weeks i saw a noticeable improvement in lump size and it felt like lump density as well. After a couple months it was virtually undetectable. Now my job is just to manage e2 so hopefully it doesn't become an issue again.
That's great to hear! I think I'm going to give Raloxifene a go and a low dose of letro as well...
give it 2-3 months...
Thank you

took for 2 months but after 3 weeks i saw a noticeable improvement in lump size and it felt like lump density as well. After a couple months it was virtually undetectable. Now my job is just to manage e2 so hopefully it doesn't become an issue again.
Similar to Tamox as it binds to the E receptor, except Ralox binds at nearly 10 times the affinity. Because of that powerful effect theres no chance that estrogen will reach a receptor.

Here's a comparison study that might be of interest: http://humupd.oxfordjournals.org/content/6/3/212.full.pdf

I would dose this at 60mg daily until it's gone. 4 weeks and you should see a big difference. Dosing up to 80mg should be fine.

That should be done off cycle , right?
Any side effects for this ralox @ 60 mg for 4 weeks?