caffine from TP. I got a Q:


How can I get an accurate messure of 200mg of their caffine. I tried my own mix of these today for my workout, I was off on something probably the caffine. How much of each pre-workout do you guys suggest and how to get the correct dose. For some reason they don't tell you on the website the suggest serving for most of these products.

These are the measurements I used today

Caffeine Anhydrous Powder 1/4 tsp 1.25g (way too much)

DL-Phenylalanine Powder 1 tsp 5g ??

L-Tyrosine Powder 1tsp 5g ??

N-Acetyl L-Carnitine Powder 1/2 tsp 2.5g ??
youre gonna need to get a scale to measure mg.

200mg of caffiene is probably about 1/8th teaspoon, but different powders vary so it could be a little more or a little less.

take 2-3g of l tyro, and 1g of the NAC should be enough. Not sure about the DL-p off the top of my head.