Calf Cramping Question


vasodialator en utero
lately after my work out (@ an hour), my calves start to cramp up BADLY when i get on the treadmill for some cardio. my potasium intake is good, i'm thinking maybe its low salts?? i sweat a good deal when i lift. even if i walk for 5 minutes , the moment i start to run all hell breaks loose in my calves. the absolute worst cramps i have ever had. any sugestions? thanks in advance guys-
i used to get serious calf cramps. the first day putting on the spikes at track practice was torture. if you are eating a decent diet i doubt it's your electrolytes. stretch your calves for 20 seconds 3 times each, 4x/day. should take care of it. once the stretching is easy, you can back off to 1x/day.
I used to wake up with them pinching up like a mofo... found that drinking more water pretty much eliminated it... (as well as stretching before/after bed)...
once again, thanks for all the info- i'm pretty sure its a combo of a few things. i'll be trying a few new things this week. thanks to all