Can a girl get pregnant during her period?

I can't beleive you idiots don't know the answer to this. The answer is NO (except in extremely rare circumstrances where she ovulated early).

A woman only ovulates once/month and the egg only lasts for 1 day and dies. This is DAy 14 of the cycle, with day 1 being the first day after the end of her period and Day 24 or so the beginning of the next period.

HOWEVER, she can get pregnant 3 days out of the month. How, when the egg only lasts 1 day?

Here is the answer, sperm can live inside a woman for up to 72 hours. Usually only 48. So, if you inseminate her 2 days BEFORE the egg drops then it gets instantly fertilized. So, you sick muther fuckers - the answer is almost always NO.
I can't beleive you idiots don't know the answer to this. The answer is NO (except in extremely rare circumstrances where she ovulated early).

A woman only ovulates once/month and the egg only lasts for 1 day and dies. This is DAy 14 of the cycle, with day 1 being the first day after the end of her period and Day 24 or so the beginning of the next period.

HOWEVER, she can get pregnant 3 days out of the month. How, when the egg only lasts 1 day?

Here is the answer, sperm can live inside a woman for up to 72 hours. Usually only 48. So, if you inseminate her 2 days BEFORE the egg drops then it gets instantly fertilized. So, you sick muther fuckers - the answer is almost always NO.
props to dat thats what i said in the beging jsut not with this much detail. rare.
My girl has admitted she's often horny when she has her period and says it's easier for her to have an orgasm but fucking a girl with her period is f'n disgusting as far as I'm concerned. I've pulled out a bloody dick one too many times- I don't care if it's Heidi Klum-- make the bitch suck it

Agreed. Having a bloody dick is f'n gross.

I have some question about pregnancy

anyone else starting to have trouble sleeping yet? my mam says it's nature getting me ready for the hundreds of sleepless nights coming my way lol! i need to pee like 8 times a night lol could sleep all day and it still doesn't seem long enough!
^^^ Wow your talking a bout your mom in the red wing and can I get her pregnant post ???? STRANGE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Fuck I like my little soldier to much to bath him in the ole red rum canal, and I aint sticking my face in that nasty shit either... Ya all might as well jerk off in your own mouth, all that shit comming out is your ol dried up nut..... Fuck that shit. Ill lick her ass hole before I eat a bloody snatch...
i banged a girl on the rag once....

2 tips

1. Do not have a fan blowing on you.. it got all cold n shit and just creeped me out... lol
2. Dont look down... God the room and the towel we were on looked like a fucking murder scene when i turned the lights on... let alone there was blood all over me.. i felt like i had commited a crime hahahha