Metal Head
I can't beleive you idiots don't know the answer to this. The answer is NO (except in extremely rare circumstrances where she ovulated early).
A woman only ovulates once/month and the egg only lasts for 1 day and dies. This is DAy 14 of the cycle, with day 1 being the first day after the end of her period and Day 24 or so the beginning of the next period.
HOWEVER, she can get pregnant 3 days out of the month. How, when the egg only lasts 1 day?
Here is the answer, sperm can live inside a woman for up to 72 hours. Usually only 48. So, if you inseminate her 2 days BEFORE the egg drops then it gets instantly fertilized. So, you sick muther fuckers - the answer is almost always NO.
A woman only ovulates once/month and the egg only lasts for 1 day and dies. This is DAy 14 of the cycle, with day 1 being the first day after the end of her period and Day 24 or so the beginning of the next period.
HOWEVER, she can get pregnant 3 days out of the month. How, when the egg only lasts 1 day?
Here is the answer, sperm can live inside a woman for up to 72 hours. Usually only 48. So, if you inseminate her 2 days BEFORE the egg drops then it gets instantly fertilized. So, you sick muther fuckers - the answer is almost always NO.