Can a protein shake gain strenth


I'm not a bodybuilder!
Hello I'm new to training and I come here for advice!

I have been training now for around 3 months, i started a diet about 4 week ago, and i have tryed a few different protein suppliments.

They were pretty cheap, what do you guys like? any named brands in particular? and can it gain streanth or is that just a myth!!! :chimney:

I also have just purchased Jack-3d (this has good reviews) and also i have just purchased Olimp Creatine Xplode, both from amazon, are these any good? (this is the first time using pre-work out supplements and creatine)

PS: I am a total noob to suppliments, in the past 3 months of working out I get in 3 times a week cardio, twice hill running, once in gym boxing, 5 times a week weight lifting and i have seen a gain in strength and im now looking to go further with out roids! :sulk:
I would not be to concerned about supplements at the moment you have been only training for 3 months i would eat wholesome real foods beef chicken fish eggs milk ect when you gain experience perhaps you can try supplements than good luck

I would not be to concerned about supplements at the moment you have been only training for 3 months i would eat wholesome real foods beef chicken fish eggs milk ect when you gain experience perhaps you can try supplements than good luck


This is golden advice!

Save your money on the supliments for now spend your time researching Nutrion try to get all you nutrients from whole meals!

Use a quality Protien and carb drink after work outs.

I like 100% Whey from Cyto Sport same makers of Muscle Milk. Can be picked up at Costco in the states for about 30 dallors for 6lbs. Best bang for the buck I have found in 20 plus years of the game.

PWO is the only time I recomend use of shakes! Possibly a carb drink/shake during work out once you learn what your doing. Or you broke down on the high way and have nothing else.
thanks for the advice, so i shall just stick to my diet for now, its a pretty good diet, for example, for 1 meal "there are around 50 on the sheets i got"

100g extra lean mince, 100g mash potato, then i can add unlimited veg from a list on it, is this the sort of meals i should be eating? there are a few fish meals onit etc..

also milk? i thought milk was for babys? lol im trying to loose abit of fat im 5-8 13.7 stone, im not exaclty fat but i dont have a 6 pack put it one way