But on the topic and msuftball67's question at hand I agree 100% with Outlaw try increasing your cardio level which has been known to speed metabolism resulting in more calories burned and overall weight loss. Start with 30 min sessions 3-4 times per week do this until you feel you can turn up the intensity then continue with 4 45 min sessions.
Look into cleaning up your diet determin how many calories you need to maintain weight (which you could find out in this post
http://www.steroidology.com/forum/sh...54#post1919254)and then cut back about 10% this small adjustment will allow the body to seek energy from fat stores in the body. Dont drop too many calories because this has a tendancy to down shift your metabolic rate making it harder to sustain fat loss, make small changes a first this way your less likley to fail and slip back into old ways.
Take a supplement Like mentioned by Outlaw whether it be clen, eph, or a thermogenic fat burner from a health store, these are alway s a good choice if you have the money.
Give yourself one cheat day where you can eat foods you enjoy this will keep your metabolism on its toes, preventing it from adjusting to your new diet and overall keeping you burning fat for longer, but dont go overboard on this day or you could ruin all the progress for that week.
Okay I went on a bit there so....
In short:
*Cut back on Calories by 10%
*Increase cardio to at least 30min sessions
*Take a fat burner or other weight loss supplement.
*Increase cardio again to about 45min sessions.
*Have a cheat day.
If your still determined to use steroids then you might wanna drop a post in the anobolic forum. But IMO you'd be wasting your money in this early stage and would be better off waiting until you shed a few lbs.
Welcome to 'ology.