Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?????


New member
Hi everyone, I have been really obsessed with my weight problem. I am a 33 year old female and have gained 90lbs which makes the count to 210. I recently took out some of my summer clothes and they don’t fit me anymore!!! This is a real tragedy for me. How can I not wear the ones I adore...moreover the new look is getting me mad (with the comments from my friends). I know quite a few ways to start losing weight…….but I don’t really feel that, with so many people failing using these methods that I will make it through. Does anyone know a proven way to reduce the weight?

Please help me…..this is killing me!!!
there is a proven way to lose weight. its easy.

1. diet
2. exercise

its simple. eat 3 meals a day. do not eat anything any time other than those 3 meals. those meals shouldnt include fried foods, creamy sauces, and anything else you know is high in fat. you shouldnt have a dessert. you should eat enough food to fill you and thats it. dont overeat during the meals.

for exercise, you should get a good overall weight lifting routine. you should be using all the effort you have in order to lift the weights. it should be difficult, not 10 pounds that you throw up and down and pretend you are lifting weights. you want to do some cardio? then sweat your ass off. 90% of people on those cardio machines are just wasting their time so they can pretend that they are exercising. if you arent exerting effort, if you arent sweating then you arent doing shit.
there is a proven way to lose weight. its easy.
1. diet
2. exercise

Totally agree. Eat health and do exercise, but neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise. and should be suitable for yourself.

I never go to a gym, or go outside for running, jogging... i just do exercise at my Bowflex Series 3 Treadmill that i received from my best friend as a birthday gift, i'm crazy about it. I use the machine primarily for walking, for this application it is great, the machine handles inclines and relatively fast walking speeds with no problem. I can't comment on how well this machine compares with others for running fast. For jogging it seems just fine. definitely worth to have a try.
Don’t be sad. It’s just a common problem and the solution is a simple one. You should not take this as a disease, but rather a challenge that you can and will over come. There are many ways to got about it…….but its just as you said…..the failures are counted more than the success. My friend was in the same situation and she was really frustrated after putting on the weight again. She finally came across a weight loss system that not only gave her a reason to smile but did the magic work that she wanted
to get done. I would advise you to give it a try….as it can be a turning point to your life.

All the Best!!!!
first, dont be sad! feeling depressed and sad is only going to make it worse and harder to make the changes needed, remember it all starts in the mind! i would cut out anything thats not "whole" food from your diet, dirnks as well. eat every two to three hours, keep carbs low and be sure that what ever carbs you do get are very clean, also try to keep your carb intake to the early day hours. add in weight training if you dont already rather then over doing the cardio, remember muscle burns fat! most important be real with your self and come up with a plan/diet the you can stick to. a diet that worked real good for me was, getting 2g pro, .5g carbs, .25g fat per lb of LBM. i also made sure i workedout first thing in the morning before taking in any carbs so my body would use fat for fuel. maybe lower the ratios a little since you a female but it really worked for me. hope this helped a little, best of luck!
Picking the right cutting steriods. Have a read of this post it might give you an idea.

I dont think steroids are the answer here. as it seems right now she doesn't really know how to train or diet and steroids aren't candy they can fuck you up if you do it wrong.

seriosly 3 meals a day should be enough. if your hungry drink water alot of people confuse thirst with hunger.

go for the plate model its easiest way to not overeat. 1/4 carbs(pasta,rice,potatoes,oats) 1/4 protein(chicken,fish, lean meats)
1/2 plate veggies. and be sure to add a little olive oil for some healthy fats.

stuff like butter,margarine,jam just chuck it. if you got it your gonna eat it.

breakfast: oatmael is my prefered choice porridge with a little nuts and berries and a few eggs.

lunch: rice,chicken and broccoli.

dinner pasta,fish and veggies

that is a sample meal plan feel free to change it up and good luck. :)
seriosly 3 meals a day should be enough. if your hungry drink water alot of people confuse thirst with hunger.

i forgot that one. rozer, i dont want to see you ever drinking anything but water (unless you are drinking some alcohol at a party). that even means no stupid diet coke, coke zero, or any other crap thats supposed to imitate another drink but with artificial sweetener.

its not about going on crash diets and then gaining all the weight back. its about realizing that you are going to eat like this for the rest of your life. its not difficult at all.
I dont think steroids are the answer here. as it seems right now she doesn't really know how to train or diet and steroids aren't candy they can fuck you up if you do it wrong.
Yeah If you read my post at the bottom of that topic you would have noticed it covers a weight loss plan WITHOUT steroids.

But for those of you who cant use links propperly guess the old cut and paste will have to do.

Drako said:
But on the topic and msuftball67's question at hand I agree 100% with Outlaw try increasing your cardio level which has been known to speed metabolism resulting in more calories burned and overall weight loss. Start with 30 min sessions 3-4 times per week do this until you feel you can turn up the intensity then continue with 4 45 min sessions.

Look into cleaning up your diet determin how many calories you need to maintain weight (which you could find out in this post then cut back about 10% this small adjustment will allow the body to seek energy from fat stores in the body. Dont drop too many calories because this has a tendancy to down shift your metabolic rate making it harder to sustain fat loss, make small changes a first this way your less likley to fail and slip back into old ways.

Take a supplement Like mentioned by Outlaw whether it be clen, eph, or a thermogenic fat burner from a health store, these are alway s a good choice if you have the money.

Give yourself one cheat day where you can eat foods you enjoy this will keep your metabolism on its toes, preventing it from adjusting to your new diet and overall keeping you burning fat for longer, but dont go overboard on this day or you could ruin all the progress for that week.

Okay I went on a bit there so....

In short:

*Cut back on Calories by 10%
*Increase cardio to at least 30min sessions
*Take a fat burner or other weight loss supplement.
*Increase cardio again to about 45min sessions.
*Have a cheat day.

If your still determined to use steroids then you might wanna drop a post in the anobolic forum. But IMO you'd be wasting your money in this early stage and would be better off waiting until you shed a few lbs.

Welcome to 'ology.

Well done on noticing Steroids arnt Candy tho guess you deserve a scooby snack.
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As already stated...
1)Diet and Exercise (as a HABIT) is FULL PROOF WEIGHT LOSS!
2)Loss your so called "friends".. comments about your weight aren't going to help you.
was this question just a set up so that one guy can post his magic weight loss system and the other one can post his bowflex treadmill?
was this question just a set up so that one guy can post his magic weight loss system and the other one can post his bowflex treadmill?

so it could seem.. I love those systems:D you get one glass of chokomilk 3x a day and you will be superfit and happy in 10 days :D
If thats directed at me then sorry if you dont approve with my ''Magic weightloss programme''. Im just going off trial and error experience and this is what seems to work best for me.

33yr old female but her avatar is male.... deffo summit off there.
i think it was directed o samar.hill... a first time poster with magic weightloss system... and rozer was also a first time poster so it looked a bit like a set up for an ad...
LMFAO! ya know I posted right under it and didnt even notice.

Ya gotta forgive cloth eyes here.
hey it can happen to the best (A) but if thats the case I think its kinda fucked up cause alot of guys here are really trying to help..
I think you guys are right just from the way that both the post look the structure is identical as if the same guy/gal posted.

Twats wastin my valued time in front of Tinternet. lol