B is right; however IF u r using a reputable lab ur worries are really not justified. I m not making light of ur concerns just pointing out that unless ur using a very small, shadey, unheard of lab ur on safe ground. No drug lab s, ( like any drug source) is gona risk selling bunk gear ( either to low or no dosed or dirty gear) as BAD NEWS spreads 10 x as fast as good and, rightly so as lab s are in it to make money.
From powders, bottles and assembly, the profit margin is substantial so why risk losing a client who will talk smack cutting corners or setting up a bath tub assembly line when the money made producing gear is very very good.
Y do I not brew my own ? Time and volume. I ve neither the expertise, time, desire or need to risk a home brew as I do not sell score or trade ANYTHING...with others ever, period.
I ll gladly pay PSL 30-55 dollars for my AAS needs than risk a manufacturing charge or intent to distribute. But all I do is trt w lil ole blasts.
Good topic but if your using a rep. lab it s my belief your concerns are or should now be minimal.
Use alcohol swab s, clean pins, wipe the bottle etc.
But wash ur hands first.