Can bacteria live in oil?


New member
I just ordered from a new source and I am worried about there being bacteria. However, I did read that bacteria CANNOT survive in oil. Can anyone clarify?
Yes, bacteria can survive in oil. The use of BA is to prevent bacteria growing/forming. But if the bacteria was present in the oil (not correctly filtered and so on) then yes it's possible.

You hear of abscesses and such from dirty gear? - bacteria and unsteril gear.

If in doubt don't use it. It's not worth your health, or a hole at your injection site to take care of an possible abysses
B is right; however IF u r using a reputable lab ur worries are really not justified. I m not making light of ur concerns just pointing out that unless ur using a very small, shadey, unheard of lab ur on safe ground. No drug lab s, ( like any drug source) is gona risk selling bunk gear ( either to low or no dosed or dirty gear) as BAD NEWS spreads 10 x as fast as good and, rightly so as lab s are in it to make money.

From powders, bottles and assembly, the profit margin is substantial so why risk losing a client who will talk smack cutting corners or setting up a bath tub assembly line when the money made producing gear is very very good.

Y do I not brew my own ? Time and volume. I ve neither the expertise, time, desire or need to risk a home brew as I do not sell score or trade ANYTHING...with others ever, period.

I ll gladly pay PSL 30-55 dollars for my AAS needs than risk a manufacturing charge or intent to distribute. But all I do is trt w lil ole blasts.

Good topic but if your using a rep. lab it s my belief your concerns are or should now be minimal.

Use alcohol swab s, clean pins, wipe the bottle etc.

But wash ur hands first.

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Yes bacteria can live in oil. Ugls add ba @ between 2-5% to help prevent that. They should also use 22.5 nm filtration, many only use 45. So to answer your question, you can get an infection.

Another factor is poor hygiene. Cleanse the injection site with rubbing alcohol and don't reuse needles.
Bacteria can live on the moon, in lava (yep, in MAGGGMA *Dr Evil Voice*), and in areas we would implode. Pretty sure some tasty, room temperature oil would make a cozy habitat. The other guys answered everything else; it pretty much comes down to trusting your source or knowing how to brew properly and how to inject properly. :)
Proper handling, injection techniques and youll be good to go and always keep an eye out. Keep us updated!