can deca be injected directly into tendon?

Tendinitis is usually permanent, if you do have it you will have to learn to train around it.

I have it my left knee, and both elbows... but I can live with it

All deca does is temporarily relieve the discomfort due to water retention around the joints/tendons... if the dosage you are running is not high enough it will do nothing for u
Medications that are esterified (especially long esters like decanoate) get absorbed and circulated before a significant portion becomes active. I would not rely on getting any meaningful local effect from injecting deca.
plus i think it would hurt like HELLLLL

Yes, it most certainly does. ;)

Place two fingers (while seated) directly in the side of your leg. Feel for a rigid structure that stands out. That's our friend the iliotibial band. Apply a little pressure to him and feel him complain lol. Yeah, I've put a needle into that grumpy fellow before. D'oh!

I do not recommend putting nandrolone anywhere but a muscle belly. ;)

My .02c :)
I'm pretty sure that you won't see any direct benefit at the injection site. Just some additional damage to an already inflamed or damaged tendon.
I'm pretty sure that you won't see any direct benefit at the injection site. Just some additional damage to an already inflamed or damaged tendon.

This, dont do it.
Look into tb500 for the issue though. (also dont site inject that either!)
Who the hell makes the rumor than deca could be used as a medication of tendonitis... The bloat of nandrolone with long esters makes the joints to be lubrificate ( it's a side effect) , plus it increase about 240% the synthese of procollagen II and that all.

stop using it to prevent or heal the inflammation.

hyaluronic acide have an effect on tendonitis. with a 1/4 gallon of soluble silicium solution per/day. or rest and make massage with ice.
Long esters and short esters doesn't determine a bloat factor. That's some old, old, oldschool shit...
I'm pretty sure that you won't see any direct benefit at the injection site. Just some additional damage to an already inflamed or damaged tendon.

I have a lot of tendinitis, I have osteoarthritis, epicondylitis . Anti-inflammatory medications such as corticosteroid injections in at he site helps. Also an Ibuprofen regimen and one more Prednisone. Those however have some drawbacks such as possible kidney and liver problems if over done. You must continue with your Doctor with lab work to monitor those sides.

This DOES help a lot but as was said this problem will always be with you. Train around it also as was said good luck
As a pain releiver, i guess from water retention around the inflamation, works somewhat. I started 250mgs/week a couple weeks ago & noticed slight pain releif of my tennis elbow pain. ive been able to lift heavier as well.
I've been taking 200mg/week of deca for quite a while now and it has really helped my joints feel better. Both knees and both shoulders are wrecked and I don't really care if it's just masking the problem or not, I'm able to keep going for now...
Everything's about been covered. I would add the following:

Understand what is causing the tendinitis. Someone mentioned tendonosis, the chronic form of tendinitis. You don't want to get to that point. Get your form checked on movements that are causing pain, and INVEST in a few appts w GOOD physical therapist to flush out any potential muscle imbalances. It may just be transient overuse but I would confirm.

I tore my ACL in both knees and a second time in the left knee. I finally went to a physical therapist who determined my problem. It was extremely overbalanced quad strength vs hamstrings. I've been on a specific workout regimen now for nearly two years and have never felt better in knees for stability etc. My situation doesn't directly relate but you get the point.
Long esters and short esters doesn't determine a bloat factor. That's some old, old, oldschool shit...

i can the diffrence form decanoate ester for nandrolone and phynel-prop. decanoate realise that slow than occur more bloat than phenyl-prop.

i used both of corse, and seen the same on me. less bloat on NPP; same with testo-prop and enanthate. hundreds of threads though all boards about his. read.
i can the diffrence form decanoate ester for nandrolone and phynel-prop. decanoate realise that slow than occur more bloat than phenyl-prop.

i used both of corse, and seen the same on me. less bloat on NPP; same with testo-prop and enanthate. hundreds of threads though all boards about his. read.

Every one of them is outdated too. 2003 was 12 years ago...